I love red wine so much. I love wine while cooking. It’s great for hangin’ out. I like it while watching sports. I’d say I’m a wino, but I only drink organic wine, and I don’t drink too much (except ya know, once in a while, like on my birthday). Wine is a fermented drink that is made by allowing grapes to ferment. The chemical composition promotes fermentation without adding enzymes, sugar or water. Yeast consumes the sugars in the grapes, turning them into alcohol. The wine we know of today has been consumed for thousands of years, making this a drink our ancestors definitely enjoyed. From National Geographic, Wine snobs might shudder at the thought, but the first wine-tasting may have occurred when Paleolithic humans slurped the juice of naturally fermented wild grapes from animal-skin pouches or crude wooden bowls. If it’s good enough for my ancestors, it’s good…
Sea Bass with Herbs, Tomatoes & Capers
This gluten-free sea bass with herbs, tomatoes & capers is easy to make, incredibly healthy and fancy enough to fool anyone into thinking you’re a brilliant chef. Plus it takes all of 15 minutes from start to finish. I am a lucky person. We moved from DC to Charleston, South Carolina in June of 2020. No one thought we’d do it. My mother in law thought we were insane. But now, it’s 70 degrees on March 1st and I golf carted to the docks in my neighborhood to pick up fresh sea bass. Life is good. Fresh seafood is probably my most favorite category of food. Give me some oysters, a whole grilled fish, a crisp glass of white wine and I am GOOD. Not to mention that seafood is one of the absolute healthiest foods available to us as humans. Pair it with herbs, tomatoes and capers and you’ve…
7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally
I started getting acne in fourth grade. Fourth grade! You’re like, 9 in fourth grade. Here are 7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally! Acne completely robbed me of my confidence when I was a kid. I had deep, cystic acne. I had white heads, I had blackheads – I had it all. My skin was so inflamed that on more than one occasion someone asked what was wrong with my face. Acne persisted throughout my teen years and into my early twenties. It was only when I changed my diet and switched to non-toxic skincare that I really saw an improvement. Even now, if I’m eating too much dairy, gluten or sugar and/or not sticking to my skincare routine – the acne comes back. Here are 7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally Step 1: Use good, NON-TOXIC skincare. More and more I am concerned…
Gluten-Free Spring Pea & Prosciutto Crostini
This Gluten-Free Spring Pea & Prosciutto Crostini is so delicious and perfect for a warm spring dinner outside! Paired with a crisp glass of white wine – it’s divine. You guys, I love a crostini. They’re delicious little morsels of food that I can eat with my hands. What’s better? And if you’ve never had mashed peas, you’re in for a fucking TREAT. They are so, so good. Assuming you like peas in the first place. This is one of those kind of fancy recipes that couldn’t be easier to make. And is also gluten-free. I used Against the Grain baguette or you can use a keto baguette or make your own baguette. Tips for making Gluten-Free Spring Pea & Prosciutto Crostini: if you’re dairy-free, use a nut based mozzarellaput a finger partially over the bottle of olive oil when drizzling the crostinis so you don’t drown then in oilfeel…
Meal Prep Chicken & Veggie Salad
This meal prep chicken & veggie salad was SO delicious and ready in under five minutes thanks to a lil’ Sunday prep! On Sunday, I clean. I make food for the week. I plan the next five days out so that I’m organized. And you guys. It makes a HUGE difference in my stress, happiness and overall quality of life. I know what I need to get done and when to do it. I know that I’m not going to be rushing every morning to make lunch for my son’s pre-k. I know that I don’t have to take time each day to make a ton of food. I know that I’m saving money by not eating out. And it f*cking rules. It makes my life SO much easier. This week I made a bunch of veggies and proteins and then I’ve ended up throwing them in a bowl each…
Rosemary Honey Dijon Chicken
I really love the flavors of rosemary honey dijon chicken and I meal prepped this for easy proteins throughout the week! I’m alllll about some meal prep. Saves me time. Saves me money. Reduces stress. I’m never scrambling to figure out what to eat throughout the week, I never stress about what to pack in my four year-old’s school lunch. My meal prep menu this week included: this rosemary honey dijon chicken (if that was not obvious)steamed broccoliroasted balsamic brussels sprouts (toss in olive oil and balsamic glaze, roast on 415 for 15-20)buttered carrots (peel, chop, boil, drain, toss in butter) sweet potato rounds (peel, slice, boil) chimichurri (one bunch of parsley, one bunch of garlic, a bunch of green onions, lots of olive oil and some red wine vinegar – blend until smooth) Tips: I grilled this recipe, which is SO quick and easy and requires next to no…
Cranberry Christmas Margarita
I will not let my love of margaritas be limited to Cinco de Mayo, taco nights and summertime. Margaritas are a year-round treat, people! And this crazy good cranberry Christmas margarita is proof of that! There are only two types of alcohol I drink: wine and tequila. I love my wine, particularly with a delicious meal. Or better yet, oysters. A crisp glass of sauvignon blanc with a delicious oyster is one of my favorite treats ever. But a margarita is so fun, so festive. And while most people think a margarita is more appropriate for tacos, for summertime and/or Cinco de Mayo – margaritas are actually super versatile. Plus, they don’t give you a hangover like beer or wine and certainly not like brown liquor would. So back to this margarita. I made it and sat by my tree and sipped it while my sons and husband played. It…
The BEST Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls
These are absolutely the BEST gluten-free cinnamon rolls! I’ve been making cinnamon rolls every Christmas morning for ten years and this is by far the best recipe I’ve tried! I feel like there is nothing I can say that will accurately do this recipe justice. But I still have so much to say about this recipe. First, I am not a sweets person. 10 out of 10 times, I’ll order a glass of wine instead of dessert. I’ll take chicken liver over chocolate any day. But cinnamon rolls are one of my weaknesses. I have always loved them – the gooeyness in particular. The gooey frosting, the gooey cinnamon center, the gooey dough. I now realize gooey is a gross word so I’m going to stop using it now. But do you SEE the gooey cinnamon caramel on the bottom? Something about the combo of butter, coconut sugar and cinnamon…
Apple Cider Vinegar Margarita
You guys. I love margaritas. And this paleo apple cider vinegar margarita is the perfect drink this fall! I made this margarita on Saturday for Halloween. If you’re wondering what I was for Halloween, the answer is RBG. See below. I went to Goodwill about four hours before the start of trick or treating and managed to pull this together. Not the best, because I am NOT crafty. But people knew who I was, so I’ll take it. Also I just moved to the south so I had to rep, you know? Anyway. I made this paleo apple cider vinegar margarita before we hopped on the golf cart and took the kids trick or treating. I like alcohol, not too much and definitely not with a lot of sugar. I drink maybe once during the week (a glass of wine or something if we go out) and then Friday/Saturday on…
My Breast Fat Transfer Results
It’s officially been over three months since the procedure and here are the my breast fat transfer results – finally! In February, I decided to have fat transferred to my breasts. You can read about that more in depth here, but basically after nursing two kids – my boobs were pretty wrecked. They just had no shape and very little tissue. I researched breast implants, but after doing a deep dive, I decided they were completely unsafe and just not for me. So I ended up getting a fat transfer! How much was transferred and my cup size increase I saw Dr. Bednar, THE preeminent breast fat transfer doctor in the country. Dr. Bednar is known for his ability to create shape, increase retention rates and harvest fat off of very thin women. At the time of my surgery, I was an athletic 5’6 and 122 pounds. And a very,…