Learn how to combat stress with over the counter anti-stress supplements and find out how to reduce daily stress with a healthy routine for a calmer, happier, and meaningful life every day. This whole pandemic, social isolation, quarantine situation has really amped up my stress levels lately. Not just mine, I think everyone is more on edge going through this. We’re out of our normal routines, some people are out of jobs and we’re all worried for our family members, friends, economy, and the world. It’s a lot to deal with! I have had a ton of practice over the years with combatting stress and navigating anxiety. And now is the time to pull all the tools out of the box to calm my nervous system. I’ve built structure, routine, and helpful supplements into my daily routine to combat stress. Normally I don’t need all of these, but it’s helpful…
An Unbiased Review of Rodan + Fields
I originally wrote An Unbiased Review of Rodan + Fields back in 2018. At that time, the company was using incredibly toxic ingredients with established studies proving links to cancer, hormone disruption, skin irritation and so much more. Read on to find out if Rodan + Fields is still using those products in 2022. Four years ago when I wrote this original review, or exposé if you will, people were MAD. People said I was a liar, people said I was an idiot, people said I was a “dumb bitch.” Listen, you can call me a lot of things. Nosey, inappropriate, over the top – all of that might be true (okay it definitely is true). But there are certain things I am not, those include: a liar, poorly researched, a dumb bitch (although there is an argument that just “bitch” could be an adjective used to describe me). The…
All About SUPPLEMENTS: Which To Use and Where To Get Them
I get tons of emails about supplements every week. Which do I recommend? Are they organic? Are they food based? Which do I take everyday? Most people just want to know where to find good, healthy supplements from a company they can trust. So I decided to write all about supplements, which to use and where to get them. Let me introduce you to my secret health weapon: Perfect Supplements. From August 3rd until August 6th – you can get 40% off Perfect Supplements brand products and 10% off all other brands they sell by using code ANCESTRAL10. That’s an INSANE sale. I’m stockin’ up. They didn’t pay me to write this post. It is not sponsored, although I am one of their affiliates. This company is the BEST in terms of supplements. It’s not an MLM, I’m not trying to sign you up, my goal is not to have…
The Healthiest Protein Powders
Because I’ve done several reviews of protein powders, meal replacement shakes and otherwise cheap, unhealthy and overly processed quick fixes, I’m often asked about which protein powders I recommend. Here are my reviews and the products I do not endorse: Isagenix Herbalife Plexus Shakeology BeachBody Arbonne Advocare It Works Usana Juice Plus To be clear, I do not recommend meal replacement shakes. Protein shakes are not meals, they are essentially just a supplement to your diet. They’re mainly a good option for post workout. They are not a good option in lieu of an actual meal. I’d also like to point out that my preference is real food post workout. I personally do not consume protein shakes daily and do not recommend them for everyone. However, I acknowledge that they can be helpful for those who are regularly performing strenuous workouts, trying to gain muscle or who just have trouble…
An Unbiased Review of Plexus
Is Plexus safe? Is it worth your money and will it help you lose weight? Find out below in an unbiased review of Plexus! Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka a healthy gut, glowing skin, strong digestion and energy for DAYS. Use code 10OFF for 10% off! An unbiased review of Plexus Back when I wrote this original review, Plexus was using incredibly dangerous stimulants linked to serious side effects. And while they still sort of are, the ingredient list has admittedly improved a bit. Don’t get me wrong – I still do not support or recommend these products. But I am at least thankful…
An Unbiased Review of Arbonne
Are Arbonne products safe? In this Arbonne review, you’ll learn about the ingredients used in their shakes and powders and you will find out whether the products are really worth it! Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka a healthy gut, glowing skin, strong digestion and energy for DAYS. Arbonne Review: Are Arbonne products safe? After lots of requests for a Arbonne Nutrition review, I’ve finally done it. I wanted to like Arbonne. That’s why I think it took me so long to look at the products. I took a close look at their protein shakes and nutrition bars and listed some of the ingredients that…
An Unbiased Review of Usana
This Usana review covers all your questions: how effective are Usana products, do they work, and are they worth the money? Learn about the ingredients used in Usana products and find out about potential side effects. Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka a healthy gut, glowing skin, strong digestion and energy for DAYS. So, you asked me for an honest review of Usana products: At this point, I’m not sure why people even ask me to do an unbiased Usana review or any other products containing garbage ingredients like soy. I will never recommend meal replacements, processed food, artificial sweeteners or any other junk that’s…
An Unbiased Review of Juice Plus+
Looking for an honest Juice Plus review? I researched the ingredients of Juice Plus supplements and shakes and this is what I found! Read below for an honest review of Juice Plus+. Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka a healthy gut, glowing skin, strong digestion and energy for DAYS. Use code 10OFF for 10% off! Juice Plus Review – this is what you need to know before signing up for that membership! While you guys probably already know that I’m not a fan of meal replacement shakes (Herbalife, Isagenix, Beachbody, Advocare, Shakeology), you may not know that I am a fan of supplements. Don’t get…
An Unbiased Review of Beachbody
I’ve done several reviews of different proteins and meal replacement shakes and each time, my bias is called into question. Let me make this clear. I have no vested interest in the outcome of whether or not you purchase Beachbody, or any other protein supplement. With the exception of the fact that I think it’s environmentally and sustainably irresponsible to support a company that uses GMOs in their products, not to mention that they do a number to human health. It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of meal replacement shakes. There is no meal replacement shake that can take the place of real, unprocessed, organic food. I know that many companies have their distributors convinced that we can’t obtain all of our nutrients from food and that we are so toxic that meal replacement shakes are necessary. This is only true to an extent, and this is where marketing…
An Unbiased Review of Shakeology
After writing my reviews of Herbalife, Isagenix, and Advocare, the next protein/meal replacement shake I’m asked about most is Shakeology. Keep reading for an unbiased review of Shakeology! I find that in lieu of actually putting time and energy into one’s own health, some people would rather drink a protein shake they think is the end-all-be-all to nutrition and call it a day. Except it doesn’t work like that. Shakeology is a company that touts its products as superfoods, the best nutrition available, and as a safe, healthy and effective way to lose weight. Is this true? Well, not exactly. Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka…