Healthy Quarantine Meal Plan

Eating healthy under quarantine is doable! Here’s my quarantine meal plan with simple, healthy and isolation-friendly recipes your whole family can eat. Low-carb, paleo & gluten-free. This quarantine is the perfect time to stay home, cook healthy meals and boost your immune system with nutritious food! Start with this healthy quarantine meal plan! These are trying times, ya’ll! We have to be mindful of the elderly and vulnerable in our society, and stay the fuck home! The best way to mitigate the spread of coronavirus is to limit your exposure to other people as much as possible. For me, this meant one huge grocery haul last Friday – and we haven’t been out since aside from walks around the neighborhood. And I’ve cooked every. single. meal. I thought it would be exhausting, but honestly, it’s been fun and feels super nourishing and healthy. If you’re also on lockdown right now – it’s the perfect time…