83 Results



Gluten and Dairy Free Charcuterie Board

I love a good charcuterie board and this one is gluten and dairy free! Recently, my husband got diagnosed with something called uveitis. Basically, his eyeballs are falling out of his head. Okay not actually. But he does have painful, weeping and very red eyes that make me not want to ever engage in eye contact with him. You’re probably wondering what this has to do with a charcuterie board. Our amazing family doctor suggested eliminating dairy, as it can be a trigger for certain eye issues. And you guys know I love a good charcuterie board, so I wasn’t going to let a lil’ no dairy stop me from making one. Plus, I have them about 17 times a week. Charcuterie makes up a significant part of my diet. If you’re wondering why it’s also gluten-free, that’s for two reasons. The first is that I don’t recommend gluten. If…

My Breast Fat Transfer Results

It’s officially been over three months since the procedure and here are the my breast fat transfer results – finally! In February, I decided to have fat transferred to my breasts. You can read about that more in depth here, but basically after nursing two kids – my boobs were pretty wrecked. They just had no shape and very little tissue. I researched breast implants, but after doing a deep dive, I decided they were completely unsafe and just not for me. So I ended up getting a fat transfer! How much was transferred and my cup size increase I saw Dr. Bednar, THE preeminent breast fat transfer doctor in the country. Dr. Bednar is known for his ability to create shape, increase retention rates and harvest fat off of very thin women. At the time of my surgery, I was an athletic 5’6 and 122 pounds. And a very,…

How To Combat Stress With Supplements + My Daily Anti-Stress Routine

Learn how to combat stress with over the counter anti-stress supplements and find out how to reduce daily stress with a healthy routine for a calmer, happier, and meaningful life every day. This whole pandemic, social isolation, quarantine situation has really amped up my stress levels lately. Not just mine, I think everyone is more on edge going through this. We’re out of our normal routines, some people are out of jobs and we’re all worried for our family members, friends, economy, and the world. It’s a lot to deal with! I have had a ton of practice over the years with combatting stress and navigating anxiety. And now is the time to pull all the tools out of the box to calm my nervous system. I’ve built structure, routine, and helpful supplements into my daily routine to combat stress. Normally I don’t need all of these, but it’s helpful…

Gut Healing Krispie Treats (Gluten-Free)

I am slightly obsessed with this marshmallow-y goodness of my childhood. These healthier rice krispie treats are a million times better than those sketchy ones that come out of that blue wrapper with the leprechaun people. Plus, there’s a secret gut healing ingredient! Time for some healthier rice krispayyys ya’ll! These taste even better than the rice krispie treats of your childhood but are actually much healthier. Most marshmallow ingredients contain high fructose corn syrup, which in addition to being genetically modified, it will seriously spike your blood sugar and do a number on your poor liver. Doesn’t your liver have enough work to do? As if detoxing your body wasn’t hard enough. Don’t add high fructose corn syrup to it’s workload! Fructose is processed by the liver and actually raises triglycerides, predisposing you to issues like heart disease. This takes all of ten minutes to throw together, and that’s…

A Healthy Daily Quarantine Routine With Kids

Coronavirus quarantine with kids: Here is a list of activities, a survival guide, if you will, for parents who are quarantined at home with their small children. Now that I’m home all day with my jackals, I had to come up with a healthy quarantine-friendly daily routine for the kids! I have worked from home for years, but since I had Storm I’ve had a nanny from 9 am -3 pm four days a week. Now that we are essentially quarantined due to coronavirus, our daily routine has changed quite a bit. First let me say that we take this very seriously. We are not going to local playgrounds, we’re not having family over and we’re not visiting with friends. No playdates, no social interaction outside of our family aside from chatting with our next-door neighbors across the fence. In doing so, I’ve had to get creative with our routine! And keeping…

Healthy Quarantine Meal Plan

Eating healthy under quarantine is doable! Here’s my quarantine meal plan with simple, healthy and isolation-friendly recipes your whole family can eat. Low-carb, paleo & gluten-free. This quarantine is the perfect time to stay home, cook healthy meals and boost your immune system with nutritious food! Start with this healthy quarantine meal plan! These are trying times, ya’ll! We have to be mindful of the elderly and vulnerable in our society, and stay the fuck home! The best way to mitigate the spread of coronavirus is to limit your exposure to other people as much as possible. For me, this meant one huge grocery haul last Friday – and we haven’t been out since aside from walks around the neighborhood. And I’ve cooked every. single. meal. I thought it would be exhausting, but honestly, it’s been fun and feels super nourishing and healthy. If you’re also on lockdown right now – it’s the perfect time…

How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Learn how to prevent stretch marks by optimizing your nutrition and focusing on nutrient-dense and supportive foods like collagen. Here is how I prevented stretch marks while pregnant: Before I got pregnant, something in the back of my mind worried about my body changing. I think most women are like this, but I was particularly concerned. When my mother was pregnant with my little brother, she routinely told me how disgusting she felt. “I feel fat.” “My body is so gross right now.” I heard this constantly. Even at five years-old, I remember her saying these things about her pregnant body. They always stuck with me. Additionally, my mother had some of the worst stretch marks I’d ever seen. I didn’t mind them, they were just a part of her body. But she hated them. And to be honest, if I put myself in her shoes, I wouldn’t like them…

Nine Healthy Habits To Adopt This New Year

Wanna live a healthier life? I’m here to help with nine healthy habits to become the fittest, healthiest and happiest version of yourself in 2020. When it comes to building healthy habits, it’s all about making small clever decisions that will add up over time and become part of your daily routine. 1 . Establish a morning routine. This is one of my favorite practices, albeit one I haven’t adhered to as much while trying to figure out my son’s sleep issues. A healthy, mindful morning routine sets the tone for the day. Imagine this – you wake up, workouts, drink a glass of lemon water, practice your daily rituals. Now compare that to waking up to the sound of your alarm or a baby crying, playing catch up, trying to get things done last minute. Guess which scenario is going to set you up for a better day? First,…

The Ancestral Nutrition Protein Powder

The best grass-fed collagen protein powder on the market! It’s mixed with six organic greens to boost the nutrient profile as well! The Ancestral Nutrition protein powder is finally here! I have worked on this protein powder for over a year. I searched for manufacturers, interviewed them, hit tons of snags and came up with one of the healthiest, best tasting protein powders I’ve ever had. I created this grass-fed protein powder because I saw a need for it. I was making my family smoothies every morning, using a collagen protein and a separate greens powder, when it dawned on me that I should just make my own. So I did. I’ve done a lot of protein reviews and I break down every ingredient, so let me do that here. Here is a list of the ingredients in my protein powder: Hydrolyzed Grass-Fed Bovine Collagen, Organic Spirulina, Organic Spinach Powder,…

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Why Become An Affiliate? Earn 20% commission on all ordersFree productsHost giveaways, promote coupons, create campaignsSponsored post opportunitiesEarn social media post payouts for stories, posts and tagsAverage sale price is $70, so you would earn roughly $14 for each order Sign up here! About My Brand: I’m Danielle Andrews and I’ve been a Certified Nutrition Consultant since 2012. In 2015, I created Ancestral Organics, a line of organic and non-toxic skincare products. I saw a gap in the marketplace for truly non-toxic skincare at an affordable price – so I filled it! More recently, I created Ancestral Nutrition Collagen Protein + SuperGreens, which is high quality, grass-fed collagen combined with six organic superfoods: broccoli, kale, spinach, wheatgrass, spirulina and turmeric. There is nothing else like this product on the market and it will help so many people improve their health and wellness! More Reasons to Become an Affiliate: Help people…