83 Results



Cauliflower Potato Soup (Paleo, Gluten-Free, Low Carb)

This easy creamy cauliflower potato soup recipe is paleo, gluten-free, dairy-free and insanely delicious! It can easily be made low-carb and even keto! Top it with bacon, chives or whatever you feel like for loaded baked potato soup! Embrace soup season with this healthy Paleo Cauliflower Potato Soup! As much as I love summer and I’m sad to see it go, I’m doing my best to embrace soup season. I know people absolutely love fall and to be honest, I’ve never been one of them. But this year I’m determined to change all that! I’m embracing all things cozy: sweaters, cute boots, fall scented essential oils, pumpkin picking with my kids and ALL the cauliflower potato soup for dinner. Why you will love this paleo cauliflower potato soup: Which is actually great, because who knew cauliflower potato soup was so freaking easy to make? I don’t know why I don’t…

What I Eat In A Day For Anxiety Management

Beneficial bacteria & balanced blood sugar are two huge factors for mitigating anxiety. Here are some examples of what I eat in a day for anxiety management! Anxiety has long been something I’ve dealt with in my life. With two drug addicts for parents, I’m not sure if it was clinical anxiety or just good sense. Either way, I’ve spent the last several (maybe ten?) years delving into every topic imaginable trying to overcome it. I now know that diet is one of the most critical factors so today I’m sharing what I eat in a day for anxiety management. I’ve written a lot about anxiety over the years (you can check out those articles here). It’s something I’ve struggled with on and off and I’m finally at a place where I feel like I’ve overcome it. I’ve overcome it in the sense that while it will never be completely…

An Unbiased Review of Flat Tummy Tea

I’m at expert at reviewing ingredient in popular products – from skincare to meal replacement shakes. Check out all of my reviews here. And here is An Unbiased Review of Flat Tummy Tea. You all know I’m no fan of meal replacement shakes. Because of that, you could say that this review couldn’t be truly unbiased. And you are probably right. But I try to keep it professional and only review the ingredients. I haven’t personally tried Flat Tummy products, but I also haven’t tried crack. That just ain’t for me. Neither are something that as a health professional, I would ever put into my body. So if you’re simply looking for a review of whether or not the products work, please read on. They may work, but they may work because you’re literally taking a laxative. The main ingredient in this tea is senna, something given to many patients…

Meal Plan / March 3rd-8th – Paleo, Gluten-Free

We are back from LA (where I got glutened twice – ouch) and I’m ready to jump into a week of healthy eats. To be honest, I kind of felt like shit by the end of the week in LA. I feel like there’s this stigma against gluten-free eaters – like it’s just a trend and only brainwashed idiots follow it. When in reality, even if you’re not celiac, there’s an extensive amount of evidence that gluten is harmful or at the very least difficult to digest – even without celiac. So when I sat down at The Draycott and told the waiter, “Just to let you know, I’m celiac.” And he said, “I have no idea what that is but okay.” I didn’t exactly feel comfortable eating there. But what were we going to do, leave? We had a sitter for the kids, LA was unusually cold and it…

Third Trimester Update

As I write this, I’m well into my third trimester at almost 36 weeks. My c-section is scheduled for next week so I thought it would be the perfect time for a third trimester update. Read why I have to have a c-section here. This pregnancy has been different from my first in so many ways. When I got pregnant with Everett, I had a miscarriage six months prior. I was terrified of miscarrying again. I ran to the bathroom constantly to make sure I wasn’t spotting, which is how my miscarriage started. I bled for two weeks before miscarrying. It was torture. When I started spotting with Everett, I was convinced I was having a miscarriage. I was devastated. I cried hysterically. I felt gutted and terrified, like I’d never be able to have a child. But the cause of the bleeding was never identified, and I continued to…

Meal Prep Monday

Every Sunday I meal prep my ass off. If and when I don’t do this – we ended up eating out about 17 times. I love to have food already made in my fridge. It’s so convenient. It makes my life SO much easier. If there’s one piece of advice I can give anyone trying to eat healthier (aside from eating good, whole, real, organic food), it’s that you should be meal prepping every Sunday. And if you need ideas, just come here and check out my Meal Prep Monday posts. We’re all busy. A lot of us are parents. Most of us work. At the end of the day, it’s so nice to have good, healthy food already made to just pull out of the fridge and heat up. This week I made: paleo lasagna roasted chicken and veggies paleo taco lasagna four smoothies sautéed mushrooms I used these…

High Protein Pumpkin Spice Smoothie (Paleo, Low-Carb, Low-Sugar, Whole30)

You guys. I don’t even like pumpkin. I know – my Uggs should be revoked (and yes I wear Uggs because I live in the effing Mid-Atlantic and our winters are freezing and I want my feet to be warm while simultaneously feel like I’m walking on soft furry pillows). But I loved this smoothie. LOVED. It’s a creamy, delicious treat that feels like you’re having dessert despite the fact that this high protein pumpkin spice smoothie actually has no sugar. It’s also paleo, dairy-free, low-carb and Whole30 safe. It’s the absolute perfect snack. It’s high in protein from my new favorite protein powder, Collagen Fuel. I’ve written about how amazing collagen is before, but here’s a refresher: collagen is the most abundant protein in the body around 25, we produce less and less every year this lead to wrinkles, arthritis, brittle nails, weaker bones, etc it’s amazing for gut…

An Unbiased Review of Le-Vel Thrive

Read this honest Le-vel Thrive Review by a holistic nutritionist before you invest in weight loss patches, capsules and shakes! Before it’s asked, this is the protein I use and recommend. I couldn’t find one good enough on the market, so I made my own. Grass-fed collagen with six organic superfoods: kale, spirulina, wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and turmeric. I drink it in my daily smoothies and it gives me LIFE. Aka a healthy gut, glowing skin, strong digestion and energy for DAYS. Use code 10OFF for 10% off! What is Le-Vel Thrive? Out of all the review requests I’ve received recently, Le-Vel Thrive has been at the top of the list. I get more requests to review this company than any other, and I can see why. They’re exploding. The company started in 2012 and has made a billion dollars in the past five years. That’s pretty impressive. But I…


Maybe because I’m generally a nosy person, I love seeing what people eat daily and wear everyday. A good what I ate in a day is something I’ll always check out and I love to follow ladies who post their daily outfits on Instagram. While I wouldn’t call myself particularly fashionable, I do like to wear cute clothes and throw on a lil’ makeup everyday to make myself presentable and put best self forward. So I decided I’m going to start sharing what I ate in a day + what I wore. Let’s get to it! For breakfast I had a smoothie made of carrots, grapefruit, a lil’ mango, hydrolyzed collagen and pineapple along with chicken sausage sauteed with yellow bell pepper, spinach and onion. I topped it with two eggs and some red pepper flakes. For a snack I had half an avocado topped with sea salt. THE BEST…

All About SUPPLEMENTS: Which To Use and Where To Get Them

I get tons of emails about supplements every week. Which do I recommend? Are they organic? Are they food based? Which do I take everyday? Most people just want to know where to find good, healthy supplements from a company they can trust. So I decided to write all about supplements, which to use and where to get them. Let me introduce you to my secret health weapon: Perfect Supplements. From August 3rd until August 6th – you can get 40% off Perfect Supplements brand products and 10% off all other brands they sell by using code ANCESTRAL10. That’s an INSANE sale. I’m stockin’ up. They didn’t pay me to write this post. It is not sponsored, although I am one of their affiliates. This company is the BEST in terms of supplements. It’s not an MLM, I’m not trying to sign you up, my goal is not to have…