


Yes I Am a Health Coach, No I Am Not a Fat Fearing, Calorie Counting Vegan

I live in and am from DC, where the very first question people ask you after intros is, “So what do you do? My answer has been the same for a while now. It’s either: “I run a health coaching website.” or “I am a health coach.” Unfortunately, people’s responses have also been the same for a while now. It starts with: “So you’re vegan?” And even though that makes me want to give a lengthy lecture on veganism, I’m just like, “But you eat tofu, right?” So then I get all Tyler on them and I’m like,  And then they’re like, “But at my doctor’s office they tell me meat and fat will give you heart disease.”   “You eat meat and fat? But you’re…not fat.”  “Isn’t eating meat bad for the environment?” And by then I’m just like,  But they press on. “So like, what do you eat?” And…

Why Your Ancestors Didn’t Have Acne And You Do

Of course, some of our ancestors experienced the suckiness that is acne, but nothing like the number of people that experience it today. Acne and prescriptions for acne have soared in recent years. From WebMD, “Use of the powerful prescription acne drug Accutane has skyrocketed in recent years, despite the controversy surrounding its side effects. In fact, a new study shows the drug is increasingly being used to treat milder forms of acne — even though it has only been approved to treat severe cases. According to research conducted by the FDA, the number of prescriptions filled at pharmacies rose by 250% between 1992 and 2000, and by 275% among users of major health plans.” Two hundred and seventy-five percent! That is a huge jump! As a previous acne sufferer as well as a user of Accutane, a dangerous drug prescribed for acne, I have to wonder why exactly acne is on the…

Five Ingredient & Five Minute Chocolate Mousse

This easy healthy Chocolate Mousse recipe is paleo, dairy-free and refined sugar-free and comes together in 5 minutes using only 5 ingredients! Dessert win! Elevate your dessert game with this Healthy Chocolate Mousse recipe!  My husband loves chocolate mousse! It seemed like a simple enough dessert to make. However, it usually involves a double broiler, separating the yolks from the whites, beating the whites, and some chocolate mousse recipes even calling for baking it. I suck at baking. This is why I have to come up with the easiest and quickest desserts possible. And healthy, obviously. I love to cook, but I find baking really boring. I didn’t really think double boiler and beating eggs was necessary to get perfectly silky and smooth chocolate mousse. Turns out, I was right. Why you should try this healthy Chocolate Mousse recipe: This healthy chocolate mousse recipe was the easiest dessert to make…

Homemade Acne Scar Cream

I’ve written about my skin woes before, you can read a bit more about that here. Basically, in fourth grade, I woke up one day with a face covered in blemishes. I thought it would go away and clear up on its own, but it stuck around until my early twenties. And when I say blemishes, I mean more than a few zits. I’m talking about deep, painful pimples that. I mean pus, pain and blood blisters under my skin.  I had a thick layer of oil that could almost drip off of my face, and yet still somehow had dry skin that would flake off in chunks. It was awful and I was painfully embarrassed. After clearing my skin through diet, I was left with a face full of scars. I meet so many people who say they had problem skin as a teen, and yet their skin is as smooth and…

Homemade Toner For Acne Prone Skin

This is a recipe from my upcoming book on how and what to eat for a healthy body, beautiful skin and awesome hair. Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to get all the details! I’ve talked about my troubled skin and how I cleared my acne here. And when I say acne, I don’t mean a few zits every once in a while. I mean deep, painful, cystic acne. We’re talking blackheads and huge pores that ooze oil. I mean the gross stuff that people don’t like to talk about and acne commercials don’t like to show. It was bad. And while I used to spend a ton of money on cleansers, toners and creams, not I mostly just use homemade products from my kitchen. Because it’s so much cheaper and so much more effective! You really do not need to spend a ton of money on products…

Strawberry Cupcakes with Lime Frosting

It’s finally warm (ish) in DC and I found some strawberries while at the grocery store so I decided to make these cupcakes. They remind me of a strawberry margarita, which reminds me of summer, which makes me feel like it’s right around the corner. Even though I have several months to go. Last weekend I took these to my friend Joey’s birthday party. Unless all of my friends were just really drunk, they seemed to enjoy the cupcakes. I’d think maybe they were just sparing my feelings, but my friends aren’t like that. So, these taste good even to non-paleo/grain-free people! Easy Strawberry Cupcakes with Lime Frosting These easy cupcakes remind me of a strawberry margarita, which reminds me of summer, which makes me feel like it’s right around the corner Cupcake Ingredients:2 cups whole strawberries (blend them until smooth, a Vitamix is best because it will pulverize the…

Why I’m Obsessed With Oil Pulling

WTH is oil pulling? It’s actually really simple. Oil pulling is just swishing oil around your mouth for about twenty minutes. Since it has antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, coconut oil is my favorite to use (and tastes best). It’s actually an ancient Ayurvedic tradition that has ancestral roots. Like so many ancient traditions, it fell out of favor and people now resort to teeth cleanings, teeth bleaching, harsh mouthwashes and toxic, fluoride-filled toothpaste. What are the benefits? I know oil pulling may seem completely odd. How could swishing oil around your mouth for twenty minutes be so beneficial? First, understand that the health of your mouth affects the entire body. Not only are you swallowing the bacteria (both good and bad) that is present in your mouth, but oral health can also play a role in heart and overall health. Harmful bacteria in the mouth can be transmitted to…

Is Grapeseed Oil Healthy?

I recently got an email asking, Hey – what’s the deal with grapeseed oil? I’ve been hearing it’s the healthiest oil to use and cook with, figured you’d know. This isn’t the first time I’ve been asked about grapeseed oil. It seems like there’s always a new food or product to try. But here’s the truth: There is no next best thing. Smoke Point First of all, grapeseed oil does have a high smoke point. But this does not make it a healthy or safe. Peanut oil has a high smoke point, but we know that it is not healthy. Grapeseed oil is much more likely to oxidize under high heat. As a result, this creates free radicals. These can damage DNA/RNA, cell membranes and lead to plaque buildup in the heart. In short: You don’t want these in your body! How is it processed? Consider how oily a kernel…

Five Ingredient Eggplant Dip

I love dips. There’s something about setting out dips, homemade bread, olives, raw cheese and cured meats that makes me feel very European, and I’m into that. Even though I’ve only been to Europe once. Also, I’d just like to say that I’m so excited for the farmers market to come back next month. My favorite farmer has amazing, gigantic, organic eggplants. Only one more month until that awesome market is back in my life! And eggplants are super healthy. Eggplants contain: vitamin C beta carotene phosphorous potassium magnesium niacin copper thiamin vitamin B6 This dip is super easy to make and goes over well at parties. Sources: 5 ingredient Eggplant Dip I love easy healthy dips like this 5 ingredient eggplant dip! All you need to do is roast some eggplants and a whole head of garlic and you have yourself the best healthy appetizer ever! Perfect for…

How To Pack A Paleo Lunch

When I didn’t work from home, my coworkers would constantly ask how I managed to pack a healthy lunch every single day. It really doesn’t need to be complicated: a protein, a starch (read about why white rice is healthier than brown and is a paleo approved starch HERE), a veggie, a snack. Packing a healthy, paleo lunch is the easiest thing ever. AND IT SAVES A TON OF MONEY. Generally speaking, buying lunch everyday costs around $10, but packing your own 100% organic lunch is less than $5! The big problem with buying lunch is that you never really know the ingredients. When I didn’t work from home, occasionally I bought food from my favorite local lunch spot or from the cafeteria at work. I know the meat and vegetables were not organic, but even more than that, they likely used cheap, rancid vegetable oils, MSG, soy and wheat.…