


The Best Pre-Wedding Diet & Workout Routine

First, let me say that I don’t believe in diets. But in its simplest form, a diet is just the basis of what you eat. So while I say diet to simplify things, I mean lifestyle. Diets are temporary and usually involve counting, restricting and guilt. I do not endorse diets in my practice or my life. It’s all about a healthy lifestyle, which is why I’m releasing my e-book next month on how to eat like your ancestors for glowing skin, beautiful hair and radiant health. Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter for the details! Yesterday it dawned on me that my wedding is a short three months away. My diet is already pretty clean and my workout routine is pretty basic, but some days I just skip it altogether. But because I want to be in the best shape possible for my wedding, with glowing skin…

Potato Nachos

I’m kind of in love with the white potato. It’s taken a lock of flack over the years; people said it was unhealthy, it didn’t have a good nutrient profile, that it would spike your blood sugar, that it wasn’t as healthy as a sweet potato. You can read my article on white versus sweet potatoes HERE. But the humble white potato will always be my favorite. For all the guff its taken, most of it is unfounded. The white potato isn’t just delicious, it actually is a healthy food! It’s a vegetable after all. It comes from the earth, it has vitamins and minerals, and it’s pretty damn healthy if you’re not frying it in vegetable oil. So I combined my two loves: the white potato and Mexican food. I don’t love corn, and I don’t eat corn. So corn chips were definitely out. And potatoes worked out beautifully.…

The Ideal Diet For Kids

I’ve had several moms contact me to ask what the ideal diet for kids is. They want something that will keep their kids full until lunch, something that will keep their energy up, something that will give them the vitamins and minerals they need, something that will prevent them from getting diabetes or from becoming obese. While that may seem like a lot, the ideal diet is pretty simple: real food! Kids need nutrient dense foods, just like their parents do. I can understand the confusion around diets for kids, especially when kids menus are loaded with mac and cheese, hot dogs, French fries, pizza and hamburgers. How the hell did this become the norm? Why are kids relegated to eating junk food? To be honest, I don’t believe in kids menus and when I have kids, they’re definitely not allowed to order off of one. Kids should eat what…

The Five Steps I Took To Get Rid Of My Cellulite

In my upcoming ebook, I outline exactly how to eat and what I did to get rid of my cellulite, make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to get the details! I’ve found that most people think cellulite is genetic, that no external factors are at play and that there is little that can be done about the appearance of cellulite. It is what it is. Except it’s not. While genetic factors are at play, you can still minimize the appearance of cellulite (without squatting your ass off). Cellulite is subcutaneous fat that causes dimpling of the skin and upwards of 80% of women are plagued with it. It happens to thin women, to overweight women, and to fit women. It happens to me! The cause of cellulite will vary from person to person. Genetics, diet, exercise, toxins, and lifestyle are all potential causes; there really is no one…

The Top Five Nutrition Lies

Much of this information is pulled directly from my upcoming ebook on how to eat like your ancestors for glowing skin, beautiful hair and radiant health. We cover so many nutrition lies in that one. Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter for the details! Number One: Fat is bad, fat will make you fat, fat will give you heart disease. I have a serious love for fat, butter on my broccoli, grass-fed gouda with prosciutto, coconut cream with raspberries; the list is endless. But somewhere along the way, we were scammed. We were told that fat is public enemy number one, and we believed it. So how were we duped? Ancel Keys was an American scientist who conducted the Seven Countries Study in 1958. The study examined the correlation between cardiovascular disease and the dietary intake of fat. He concluded that the countries with the highest fat intake…

Why You Need To Stop Counting Calories Right Now

I am beyond over this “skinny” trend. “Skinny” cupcakes made with refined wheat, genetically modified sugar, low-fat vegetable oil and fake eggs? “Skinny” chicken made with margarine? All so we can continue eating genetically modified, processed junk but stay within a calorie limitation? Please. Counting calories will not help you lose weight or make you healthier; the body thrives on calorically dense foods like pastured meat, wild seafood and grass-fed butter. These are health foods. And can I say I’m over the word skinny in general? Call me trim, call me toned, call me strong, call me muscular, but do not call me skinny. I don’t want to be skinny, I want to be healthy. If we shift the focus from weight loss to actually being healthy, maybe women wouldn’t count calories. Maybe little girls won’t go on diets. And maybe when we shift the focus to health, people will…

Kitchen Clean Out: 7 Steps To A Healthy Pantry & Refrigerator

This Kitchen Clean Out Guide is straight out of my upcoming ebook on how to eat like your ancestors for clear, glowing skin, beautiful hair and radiant health. (Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter for the details!) Do you think your ancestors had vegetable oils in their kitchen? What about MSG? Or artificial sweeteners? Hell no! When I begin work with a new client, the first thing I do is recommend a kitchen clean out. If something unhealthy isn’t in your fridge or pantry, you’re much less likely to eat it. Plus, replacing old staples like ketchup with high fructose corn syrup or soy sauce with wheat for better options actually makes a huge difference in overall health. Sometimes, the smallest changes produce the biggest results. We often don’t think that the small things made a difference, but trust me, they do. Especially if your kitchen has GMOs,…

Five Steps To Heal The Gut

All disease begins in the gut. -Hippocrates Whether you have acne, a dairy allergy or get chronic yeast infections, these are all symptoms of a damaged digestive system. And it’s not just allergies or infections that are indicative of a damaged gut; IBS, constipation, reflux, heartburn, etc. are all indications. And considering more than 100 million Americans suffer from digestive upset, there’s a whole lot of gut healing that needs to happen. Think of your gut as a barrier. When that barrier becomes damaged, or leaky, undigested food particles enter the bloodstream which causes allergies, inflammation, acne, arthritis, eczema, depression, constipation, IBS, anxiety and even, if left untreated, a more serious disease like cancer and schizophrenia. You’ve probably heard the 90% of the immune system is in the gut, but if your gut is damaged, your defenses are down, leaving you more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, pathogens and the basic…

Cheesy Prosciutto Wrapped Jalapeños

I’m starting to think I have an obsession with jalapeños. They burn so good.Unfortunately, Scott hates jalapeños. I like my food way spicier than he does. So I really only eat jalapeños on my own. I can’t put them in our dinner or lunches because I make batches and Scott loses his mind whenever jalapeños are present. Anyway, yesterday I was workin’ and felt like snacking. I rarely snack, but sometimes snacks are awesome. Especially when they involve creamy cheese, spicy peppers and salty prosciutto. It’s like the freakin’ trifecta of the perfect snack.     Cheesy Prosciutto Wrapped Jalapeños Sometimes snacks are awesome. Especially when they involve creamy cheese, spicy peppers and salty prosciutto. It’s like the freakin’ trifecta of the perfect snack. 4 jalapeños (tops chopped off and sliced down the middle)4 slices cheddar2 long slices of prosciutto (cut in half) Preheat oven to 375. After slicing the…