My husband is a chocolate chip cookie monster. It’s his favorite cookie. On Wednesday I made a big batch of these cookies (which I’ve been perfecting for a while) for our friend’s birthday today. The recipe below makes about 14 cookies. When I woke up this morning, there were two left. HE’S EATEN TWELVE COOKIES SINCE WEDNESDAY. IT’S FRIDAY MORNING. So while it’s a bummer I won’t be gifting these to my friend for his b-day, at least I know that they’re good. Sometimes I’m not sure if I like something I’ve made because I’m so used to eating grain and sugar free, or if they actually taste good. Scott is a chocolate chip cookie expert and said these were really good – but very soft. He’s one of those people that prefers a crunchier chocolate chip cookie. I am not. These are super soft and chewy, just don’t over-bake…
Metabolism Boosting Raspberry Coconut Oil Bites
I’m always trying new ways of incorporating coconut oil into my diet but can’t stand the taste of it when I’m just scooping it out of the jar, chewing it until it melts and swallowing it. Swallowing any oil is tough. It’s just weird and kind of gross. But it’s important to consume coconut oil daily, as it’s great for both the gut and metabolism. Coconut oil is high in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that boost the metabolism. Studies have shown that when people replace fats with MCTs, they burn more calories. What’s especially interesting about the fats in coconut oil is that the body doesn’t store it as fat but uses it for energy. The MCTs in coconut oil are immediately sent to the liver where they are used for energy. Thus, boosting metabolism! Many people wrongly assume that because coconut oil contains saturated fat, it’s unhealthy. The opposite is…
Paleo Blueberry Bread Pudding
I’ve really been craving blueberries lately. I got a bunch of bags of frozen bags of organic blueberries at Trader Joe’s and they’re surprisingly delicious. If I’m craving them, I automatically assume that means my body needs some specific nutrient found in blueberries. And who am I to deny what my body needs? So I made paleo blueberry bread pudding. I settled on bread pudding because I wanted something kind of cake-y and kind of bread-y. And because I suck at baking – it’s pretty difficult to f*ck up bread pudding. I mean, it’s just a blob of sweet, gooey bread. I topped mine with raw goat milk but you can use whatever you like. Ice cream would be awesome. Paleo Blueberry Bread Pudding This healthy paleo bread pudding with blueberries is kind of cake-y and kind of bread-y. You don’t need to be a good baker to whip up…
Superfood + Paleo Shamrock Shake
I’ve been trying to incorporate more veggies into my diet to hit nine cups a day. Nine cups of veggies is a lot. It’s tough to get that much plant matter. My jaw would hurt from chewing it all. So lately I’ve been making smoothies. And I kind of hated smoothies before, but I now realize that’s because most of them are made with a shit ton of fruit, which is just way too much sugar, especially for me. I’ve been making low sugar smoothies and it not only ensures I’m getting a lot of veggies at once, they actually taste good. Turns out you don’t need a ton of sugar or fruit to make a tasty smoothie. This shake is upped to superfood status not because of the spinach, but because of the egg yolks and gelatin. Egg yolks are an incredibly nutrient dense food, rich in choline, omega 3s…
Paleo Frosting
Honestly, I’m not super big on sweets but I’ve always loved frosting. It’s the best part of the cake or cupcake. And also, my husband is a sugar fiend. That man LOVES sweet. He’d eat several treats a day if I let him, and if it wouldn’t give him diabetes and make him gain weight. So because I know a lot of times it’s either make him a healthier dessert or have him eat a dessert when we’re out and about (that’s full of either gluten, sugar, vegetable oils, GMOs, etc) I try to make some sweets at home, then portion out them out and freeze the rest. My latest creation was cake. I’m still working on the cake part but the frosting I threw together was awesome. It actually tastes like real buttercream frosting, minus the genetically modified dairy and sugar. I prefer to use maple syrup in this…
No Bake Paleo Blueberry “Cheese”cake
This is a recipe from my upcoming Kindle book on how and what to eat for healthy skin, beautiful hair and radiant health. It’s not about giving up desserts or your favorite foods, it’s just about making them healthier. Also, the book is only going to be $2.99 so that everyone can afford it. If you don’t buy it, our friendship is over. Sign up for my newsletter to find out when the book is released! I’ve always loved this blueberry pie from a nearby restaurant when I was growing up. It was loaded with sugar and inorganic dairy, and a gluten-filled crust to top it off. So when I saw blueberries at the farmers market, I jumped at the chance to make a healthier version. And ya know what? It was pretty damn good. Paleo Blueberry Cheesecake This paleo blueberry cheesecake is SO simple to make! It’s an easy…
Guest Post: Pina Colada Bars
To give you a mental picture as you are staring at the photo…OH, the succulent taste of ripe pineapple. OH MY, the decadent flavor of coconut. The natural sweetness of plump Madjool dates. Don’t forget the creamy finish of rich cashews…. Ok I had better stop, I am drooling all over the place, Aren’t you? The best thing about this treat is that although it is simple in the ingredient list category, it is bursting with flavor. These will not only satisfy your craving for something tropical and sweet; it will keep you on track with your healthy eating plan! Yes you heard right, these are HEALTHY! You would never know by the taste nor the look of them, but they are. So no matter if you are raw, vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, paleo or just want a healthier treat; we can ALL enjoy these PINA COLADA BARS. Just be…
Fruit Parfaits
Every single time I’m in Whole Foods I am forced to walk by the damn fruit parfaits. They’re right by the kombucha so I really can’t avoid it. Those delicious looking, soybean oil and sugar laden fruit parfaits. I’m not big on sweets, but something about fruit parfaits really does it for me. Fresh fruit on top of vanilla pudding? Amazing. I also think it’s hilarious that McDonald’s convinced people that fruit parfaits are an acceptable breakfast meal. I mean, mine is because it’s actually really healthy. But adding fruit to an otherwise unhealthy dessert does not a breakfast make. Unless you’re making my fruit parfait. Then you can get away with it. . Paleo Fruit Parfaits These dairy-free paleo fruit parfaits make the perfect healthy breakfast, snack or dessert! These can be made ahead of time! 1 can coconut milk1/4 cup raw honey (use raw, organic honey, like THIS…
Caramel Brownies
Who doesn’t love a good brownie? Especially brownies that are free of: gluten grains dairy refined sugars vegetable oils Pretty sweet, right? Now I’m not saying this is a health food that you should eat all the time. But sometimes you need a brownie. Sometimes it’s someone’s birthday, a graduation, an anniversary. These are definitely a healthier option than boxed or store bought brownies. And they’re not even difficult to make. You just add all of the ingredients to a blender, blend, bake. You can find the caramel recipe HERE. Paleo Caramel Brownies These paleo caramel brownies are definitely a healthier option than boxed or store-bought brownies. And they’re not even difficult to make. You just add all of the ingredients to a blender, blend, bake 1.5 cups almond flour (see notes)1/2 cup cacao powder1/2 cup raw honey (see notes)1 tbsp vanilla3 eggs1/2 cup chocolate chips (see notes…
Banana Carrot Cake with Coconut Frosting
I recently saw a recipe for a “healthy” banana carrot cake. Unfortunately, the ingredients consisted of wheat, sugar, canola oil and low-fat cream cheese. Somehow this was being classified as healthy. This ain’t the 80s! Low-fat does not equate to health! So I decided to make my own. And thank God I got a picture of it, because immediately after I set it down on my counter, my cat did this: Thanks, Sadie. You’re a pal. Healthy Banana Carrot Cake with Coconut Butter Frosting Most healthy cake recipes are not healthy, just fat-free! This is not the 80s, guys! This Banana Carrot Cake is my idea of a healthy cake! Perfect for Easter, Mother’s Day or any special occasion. Cake:1 banana4 medium carrots (peeled and diced)2 eggs1.5 cups almond flour (I use THIS almond flour)1/3 cup honey (find organic, raw honey HERE)1 tbsp vanilla (I like THIS brand)1…