An Unbiased Review of All In by Teddi Mellencamp

After seeing some emerging details about this program, I’m totally horrified that women are investing thousands in such a dangerous program. So here is an unbiased review of All In by Teddi Mellencamp. Listen, I watch Housewives. Beverly Hills is not and has never been at the top of my list. Let’s be honest, they just can’t keep up with New York. Last night I got sucked into Emily Gellis Lande’s Instagram about All In by Teddi Mellencamp. I wasn’t familiar with the program and I was shocked to see so many women sharing horror stories. My shock turned to anger when I saw that Teddi is now promoting her program for postpartum mothers. As a mother myself, that anyone would promote this starvation diet to a woman in her most vulnerable time is sickening. For the record, I have some several unbiased reviews on various programs, meal replacements and…