When I made the above graphic I had this song in my head, in case you don’t understand the “AT THE SAME DAMN TIME” reference. Which, unless you listen to rap as much as I do…why would you?

When people make the transition to a healthy lifestyle, they often assume there is no room for alcohol. Alcohol is just like food. There is good alcohol and bad alcohol, and you shouldn’t overdo it.

I like to drink. I didn’t always used to be so responsible about it, but I enjoy chilling out and having a drink. Especially during summer. Even as I’m typing this, I’m sipping on some wine. One of my favorite things to do is to come home and cook dinner while drinking wine. Some studies suggest that moderate wine consumption may prevent cardiovascular disease and the growth of cancer, via antiangiogenesis. You can learn more about that here.

If you do choose to drink, wine is the healthiest option, particularly organically grown wine. Studies have shown that wine is more beneficial than beer or liquor. Just like food, it is important to buy organic wine. Inorganic wine may contain over 250 chemicals, keep in mind that grapes are on the Dirty Dozen List. Read more about organic and inorganic wine from Cheeseslave. If you can’t find organic wine, wines from Argentina are generally produced using fewer chemicals. Here is some organic wine I bought at Yes Organic Market last weekend:


Booze to avoid:

  • beer (especially cheap beer)
  • cheap liquors
  • drinks made with sugar
  • drinks made with pre-made drink mixes
  • bottom shelf booze

Good whiskey and tequila are the next best options. I’m launching Ditch The Diet, an eight-week nutrition and wellness program on June 3rd. In it, I’ve made an entire booze guide, from the healthiest to unhealthiest drinks, as well as some of my favorite drink recipes (7 and 7, margarita and White Russians – just like The Dude). Sign up below for my newsletter to be notified and you’ll also get my free Primal Desserts eBook!


    • dani stout Reply

      Grains are very hard to digest, high in physic acid which binds to vitamins and minerals and prevents them from being absorbed and in general are a toxic food group, particularly cereal grains. There is no short or easy answer to this question, I plan on writing a post about it soon.

  1. I have read previously (I can’t remember where) that as far as beer is concerned, IPAs are the best choice. Do you know anything about how healthy/unhealthy specific types of beers are? I’m referring to microbrews (definitely not cheap beer!).

    • dani stout Reply

      I’ll best honest, I’m not as familiar with beer since I don’t drink it! But I’ve also heard that about IPAs, and it makes sense. Microbrews are usually from higher quality ingredients and are made with more quality and care than say, Coors Light (which is a beer I’ve had and CANNOT stand).

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