After hearing about this “vegan collagen” supplement and doing a dramatic eye roll, I thought it was time I do an honest review of Monat Collagen Key. I found out about Monat’s Collagen Key in a local mom group on Facebook when one mom asked for collagen recommendations and another mom said, “Collagen is made from boiled up bones! EW! So gross. Dm me to try this vegan collagen that helped my hair grow eight inches in a year!” I didn’t know what she was talking about, but there are three things I know from that comment: This person is clearly disconnected from food, nature and how food is grown. Bones aren’t “ew, gross!” Let’s not talk like 12 year-old girls, especially surrounding a food that has been a staple of peoples’ diets for millions of years, and still is in many parts of the world. Just because something seems…
Daily Collagen Beauty Smoothie
Make this daily collagen smoothie with berries, kale and chia seeds part of your beauty routine! A healthy, delicious and energizing way to start your morning. Loaded with nutrients that are great for your gut, skin, hair, joints and bones! I start my day with this collagen smoothie (or a similar version of it) every day. It is not only delicious and easy to make but also loaded with so many nutrients for everything from our skin to our guts. I can feel and see a noticeable difference when I’m not drinking this daily. Can I replace breakfast with this collagen smoothie? You could. I personally like this collagen smoothie with eggs and/or sausage on the side. I know a lot of people do a smoothie for breakfast and that’s it, but I need more food than that. I like to sit down with my family and have this with…
How Collagen Can Improve Anxiety – Collagen As Natural Anxiety Relief
Did you know that collagen provides natural anxiety relief? Find out how collagen can improve your symptoms of anxiety! What is collagen? Collagen is a hard, insoluble, and fibrous protein that makes up a whopping one-third of the protein in the human body. Think of it as the substance that holds the body together! It is not only the most abundant protein in the body but also an extremely healing food. As you might know, anxiety stems from many factors, and oftentimes it is caused by physical issues within the body like nutrient deficiencies. My battle with anxiety: I started getting severe anxiety when I was 19. It came in the form of panic attacks, of feeling a constant sense of unease, an unending sense of doom and near-constant negative thoughts. I battled with it on and off until my last pregnancy, which due to hormonal fluctuations cause a pretty…
Five Reasons You Should Take Collagen Everyday
Sometimes, I think our ancestors knew more about nutrition than modern day health professionals. Okay, I sort of think this constantly, especially health professionals that promote low-fat, processed foods over nourishing, traditional foods humans have been eating for thousands upon thousands of years. Like bone broth. Our ancestors ate every part of the animal. They made use of the hide, made tools from the teeth, made broth from the bones and feet. This broth left them with a mineral-rich, gelatinous substance rich in collagen – which is the most abundant protein in the body. While I love me some bone broth, the reality is that I don’t always drink it. Whether that’s because I live in DC and these swampy summers leave me wanting to bathe in ice more than drinking a cup of hot broth or because I just don’t have any on hand. Supplementing with collagen is one…
The Benefits of Collagen and How It Differs From Gelatin
I was first introduced to gelatin many years ago, as a new nutrition student trying desperately heal my gut issues. In my desperation, I ordered some off the internet, added it to my tea, got ready to chug…and ended up sipping a thick, gelatinous cup of green tea. ‘This has clearly gone bad.’ I thought. As it turns out, I had purchased gelatin instead of collagen. While gelatin and collagen are closely related and both very healthy, they’re not exactly the same. The most obvious difference is that gelatin causes foods to solidify – this is great if you’re making jello. It’s not so great for sipping tea. And while I love jello, I simply cannot consume enough. Collagen goes into my tea every day. Both collagen and gelatin are derived from the hides, hooves, and bones of animals. Our ancestors and traditional cultures around the world largely consumed collagen and gelatin. No part…
Low Sugar Smoothie For Kids
Nearly every morning my boys ask for a smoothie. This smoothie in fact. My issue with the vast majority of smoothies is that they are pure sugar – fruit on fruit on fruit. This one is packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats and antioxidants – without spiking their blood sugar. Try my low sugar smoothie for kids! Why Most Smoothies Suck + Spike Blood Sugar Listen, I love a smoothie. They make a great snack or breakfast. They’re easy. They’re the perfect wait to load up a ton of nutrients into one neat little package. But most smoothies aren’t a ton of nutrients. Most smoothies are just fruit. Listen, I’m not a fruit hater. I’m down with fruits. But we have to eat them properly. Eating a ton of fruit in one sitting is NOT a good idea. Why? Because as great as fruit it, fruit still contains sugar and…
How I Prepared For The COVID-19 Vaccine
After intitialy being quite wary of the vaccine, I decided it was safest to get it. For me, the benefits outweighed the risks and I did numerous things to prep my body. This is how I prepared for the COVID-19 vaccine. I’ll be honest, when the vaccine initially rolled out – I was skeptical. Most vaccines take years to produce, fine tune, test for safety, ensure efficacy. Most of all I wondered how safe these vaccines were. I hadn’t heard of mRNA vaccines but I was thankful a viral vector vaccine was also available (Johnson & Johnson). I decided to take a wait and see approach for a bit. I wasn’t the first to line up to get the vaccine honestly. I still wore a mask everywhere, socially distanced and was responsible. But I didn’t know yet if I’d get the vaccine. To be truthful, I was scared. I don’t…
What To Eat After A Peloton Workout
I’ve joined the cult of Peloton, okay?! And I LOVE IT! Don’t judge me. This is what to eat after a Peloton workout – from a nutritionist and health coach. Like so many people since the start of the pandemic, I bought a Peloton. I wanted to workout, I wanted my husband to workout, but I wasn’t comfortable going to gyms or yoga classes. You guys, a Peloton is surprisingly cheap. I also want to let everyone know that I didn’t shell out the few grand for a Peloton. I opted for a payment plan which makes the Peloton SO AFFORDABLE. I pay my Peloton off $50 a month with only an additional $100 in interest. That’s cheaper than a gym membership! It really, truly makes Peloton accessible to so many people. I really can’t recommend it enough. Anyway, I normally workout around 6am. Before my kids wake up. It’s…
Ten Gluten-Free Breakfast Ideas
I’ve been gluten-free for over ten years and still sometimes struggle with what to make for breakfast! Here are my top ten gluten-free breakfast ideas, all are healthy, nourishing and will fuel your body and brain for a great day! I don’t know why, but I always struggle with what to make for breakfast. I wake up, I ask my two year-old and my four year-old what they want. And honestly they’re not at all helpful. But today I was scrolling through some of my food pics and I thought, DUH. Here is what to eat for breakfast. All these nutritious, healthy, filling meals to fuel your brain and body. Here are my top ten gluten-free breakfast ideas. First up, a good ol’ smoothie. When made properly, smoothies are healthy, filling, delicious – and won’t spike your blood sugar. I say that last part because majority of smoothies are made…
7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally
I started getting acne in fourth grade. Fourth grade! You’re like, 9 in fourth grade. Here are 7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally! Acne completely robbed me of my confidence when I was a kid. I had deep, cystic acne. I had white heads, I had blackheads – I had it all. My skin was so inflamed that on more than one occasion someone asked what was wrong with my face. Acne persisted throughout my teen years and into my early twenties. It was only when I changed my diet and switched to non-toxic skincare that I really saw an improvement. Even now, if I’m eating too much dairy, gluten or sugar and/or not sticking to my skincare routine – the acne comes back. Here are 7 Steps To Get Rid Of Adult Acne Naturally Step 1: Use good, NON-TOXIC skincare. More and more I am concerned…