I was first introduced to gelatin many years ago, as a new nutrition student trying desperately heal my gut issues. In my desperation, I ordered some off the internet, added it to my tea, got ready to chug…and ended up sipping a thick, gelatinous cup of green tea.
‘This has clearly gone bad.’ I thought.
As it turns out, I had purchased gelatin instead of collagen. While gelatin and collagen are closely related and both very healthy, they’re not exactly the same. The most obvious difference is that gelatin causes foods to solidify – this is great if you’re making jello. It’s not so great for sipping tea. And while I love jello, I simply cannot consume enough. Collagen goes into my tea every day.
Both collagen and gelatin are derived from the hides, hooves, and bones of animals. Our ancestors and traditional cultures around the world largely consumed collagen and gelatin. No part of an animal was wasted. The bones, in particular, made great broth. In present-day diets, however, these nutrients are sorely lacking. We mostly consume muscle meats, which can throw our amino acid consumption off balance.
The Benefits of Collagen and How It Differs From Gelatin
Gelatin is cooked collagen. It makes food gel and is in foods like bone broth. Hydrolyzed collagen (which is the same as collagen hydrosylate) is more processed, which actually is not a bad thing. This processing allows it not only to be dissolvable in liquid but also more easily digestible by breaking up the proteins into smaller pieces. This makes collagen a great option for those with gut issues. Collagen has a low molecular weight and a high amount of glycine, lycine, and proline.
Because we rapidly produce less collagen after the age of 25, we begin to see wrinkles, sallow skin and joint issues that get worse over time. Taking collagen daily has a myriad of benefits including…
Like I said above, our bodies produce less and less collagen after the age of 25, which often shows up not just in our weaker bones and joins, but on our face. A lack of collagen leads to sagging, sallow, wrinkled skin. But consuming collagen daily firms and tones the skin, leaving you with a bright, youthful glow.
Immune Boosting
You’ve likely heard that majority of the immune system resides in the gut. It’s true, our immune systems are dependent upon our gut health. An unhealthy gut is an unhealthy body. Because collagen is so great for the gut, and because it contains glycine, lysine, and proline – it is a potent immune booster.
Supports Joint, Cartilage & Bone Health
Joints, cartilage, and bone are all in part made up of collagen. In fact, bones are one-third collagen while cartilage is two-thirds collagen. This is another reason bones become brittle, our cartilage wears and our joints ache as we age. In this study, 52% of patients significantly improved their joint pain with daily use of collagen hydrosylate.
The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, caused by wear and tear and inflammation of joints and cartilage. Collagen is helpful for each of these problems. From a study at the Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at the University of Washington,
Collagen breakdown is considered to be a critical and perhaps irreversible step in the progression of osteoarthritis.
Gut Healing
Due to modern diets rich in sugar, processed carbohydrates and a slew of other unhealthy foods, most people are dealing with some level of gut issues, from irregularity to IBS. Collagen is more easily absorbed and therefore great for those who struggle with gut issues. Collagen has been shown to strengthen mucosal lining and improve low stomach acid.
Wrinkle Reducing
Wrinkles are more and more prevalent as we age due to several factors, one being a loss of collagen. Skip the expensive collagen creams, the skin can’t absorb collagen so they’re a complete waste of money. The best way to use collagen for wrinkles is to take it internally. Collagen helps plump and firm the skin, thereby reducing the
appearance and likelihood of wrinkles.
Cellulite Improving
In part, cellulite is caused by a breakdown of collagen. Of course, there are many causes of cellulite, but I’ve personally found that the appearance of my thighs looks a lot better when I’m drinking collagen regularly.
Hair & Nail Growth
Collagen makes up most of our hair and nails. It’s the most abundant protein in the body. Like bones and joints, hair and nails will naturally become more brittle as we age due to a decrease in collagen production.
Prevents Stretch Marks
This might be of particular interest to pregnant women. I have been on a preconception diet for about a year and have taken collagen daily, not only for health benefits but also for its skin benefits, one of which is preventing stretch marks. Because collagen improves the skin’s firmness and elasticity, it’s excellent at preventing stretch marks. And the earlier you introduce collagen, the better.
Super excited about this giveaway! I was just put on a detox post surgery and was told to take collagen. I am using great lakes brand right now but would love to try this one. Thank you for all your hard work!!
Would love to win some collagen, I wanted to use it instead of protein shakes after workouts. More natural and healing than the alternative.
Hi, I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta which is a brittle bone disorder that is caused by a gene mutation of collagen. I’m in desperate need of a good collagen supplement and I was so excited for this one, however I’m somewhat of a vegetarian. I don’t eat any animals that have been killed, but I’ll eat things like eggs or dairy. Do you have any recommendations of a plant- based one or one where the collagen was extracted and the animal didn’t have to die (if that’s possible)? Thank you for any help you may have!!!
Hi Jenn, unfortunately that’s impossible. For us to eat anything, animal or otherwise, something must die. A great book on this is The Vegetarian Myth.
The collagen I recommend is from grass-fed cows that lived happy lives and died humanely, which is more than I can say if they had died of natural causes most likely. So hopefully that info helps!