I know I’m only in my third day, but cooking a limited amount of food in terms of ingredients has not beed terribly difficult. I’m sure by the end of the week I’ll be tired of beef, eggs, onions, broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes, but right now I’m good. The limited ingredients has forced me to become more creative with my meals and I was even able to come up with a new recipe. This is actually turning into something I really enjoy. I love being forced to come up with new meals from the same ingredients.

Last night I decided to whip out the stovetop grill. Grilling food always reminds me of summer, and since summer is dwindling and I actually had to wear a coat today, I wanted to get a good grill in before most of my meals turn to hearty soups and stews. Grilling is an easy way to infuse a lot of flavor without a lot of ingredients.

I sliced a large tomato, potato and onion, all into rounds. I also added two chicken breasts to the grill. I grilled everything on each side until cooked through (obviously the chicken took much longer).


I chopped up some of my very own basil, chives and parsley and combined it with 1.5 tbsp of olive oil and 1 tsp of balsamic vinegar. These last two items were not factored into my grocery money, but cost only a few pennies. I poured the herbs, oil and vinegar over the potatoes.

securedotdejkewnload-953x1024For lunch today I have leftovers. The same exact dinner from last night that I simply tossed into some tupperware before I plated my dinner. I didn’t have to spend extra time chopping, cooking and otherwise preparing lunch for today. I just made double, which is a trick I think more people should learn. It makes prepping lunch so much easier and saves a massive amount of time. Plus, who wants to get up in the morning and have to cook lunch before work while they’re still half asleep? Not this lady.

I’m not sure what dinner will be tonight but I’m thinking a bunless burger with a side of buttered broccoli sounds good.

Have any of you ever done a SNAP challenge? Or is anyone currently on SNAP, or spending around $4.80 per day on food? I would love to hear from people who do this!


  1. So glad I found your site because I was just making plans for doing a Paleo Snap Challenge of my own next month. Can’t wait to read the rest of your posts.

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