Lately, I’ve been all about making smoothies.
Don’t get me wrong – not the smoothies that contain a shit ton of sugar (even if it’s from fruit, three cups of fruit is way too much). Not low fat smoothies either. If you’re not consuming fat with your smoothies, you’re not absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins. I love a good smoothie.
The smoothies I’m making are a great way to get extra veggies into your diet.
They actually make an awesome snack. I add chlorella, bentonite and diatomaceous earth because I’m planning on getting knocked up in the not so distant future and these are extremely detoxifying. The chlorella removes mercury while the bentonite and diatomaceous earth remove harmful bacteria, yeast, and toxins.
Lastly, I also add gelatin, because it’s awesome for the gut, your bones, skin, and cartilage. When I’m in the mood for a smoothie or just want a snack, I’ll grab one of these from the freezer and add raw goat yogurt.
Would you recommend leaving any of these items out for a nursing mother?
Btw love your website and your attitude towards food. Your recipes are exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you!
Thanks! Maybe don’t add the DE or bentonite.
Thank you Dani,
Can you list the veggies you use in this smoothie please. also I have been making your protein shakes. I love them but i’m having difficulty finding milk kefir. I’m to busy to make my own. I find most store bought kefir to thick. I want it more milky. Any suggestions?
A few other questions:
Why remove the whites from the eggs and only use the yokes?
Could I mix almond milk with kefir to make it less thick?
I add chia seeds to my shakes. Are they actually good for you?
How much DE should I use in my shake and how often should I use it?
Thank you,
so what do u put in there ?
Use your favorite fruit and smoothie add ins to make individual servings.
Where is the actual ingredient list for your smoothie packs? Did I miss it? Thanks!
Just take your favorite fruits and add-ins and make individual servings packets and freeze.
Where is the recipe for these smoothies? Thanks!
Just take your favorite recipe and ingredients and divide them out in bags!
What do you put in your smoothie packs? I don’t see a list
I just eyeball the amounts, but your frozen fruit, greens, and any add-ins you usually like, such as chia seeds, etc. This way you aren’t opening a whole bunch of packages each time you make a smoothie and have just one bag to grab and go.