79 Results



Things I Do Everyday To Keep My Anxiety At Bay

I’ve written extensively about my battle with anxiety on this site. If you’d like to read my various articles on the topic, you can do so here. To sum it up, I had a traumatic childhood, a crazy parent, was homeless by 19, had really terrible relationships, then somehow got it together, married my husband and now I’m crazy happy. But the reality is that despite the fact that my life is infinitely better than it was, better than I ever could’ve imagined it or even expected for myself, I still battle with anxiety. It’s a struggle I’ve improved greatly, but have yet to 100% overcome. So here are some things I do every day to keep my anxiety at bay. They make a huge difference and really help me, so hopefully, you can use some of these as tools to help you too. Please note that I am not…

Top Five Tips For Anxiety

I’ve had anxiety for as far back as I can remember. Which is about since I was 4-5 years-old. To “manage anxiety” was not a concept I would understand for a long time. It worsened when I graduated high school, and feelings of terror would overcome me for seemingly no specific reason. Then it got even worse when I was around 21. This was when my anxiety wasn’t just a feeling of sheer terror, it was also a deep-seated feeling of absolute dread and hopelessness. When I felt a panic attack coming on, which about 10-20 times a day, it was like falling down a dark, terrifying, desolate black hole. And I’d live there for a bit until I could pull myself out. And then the process would repeat. I thought I was losing my mind. When I was in the midst of dealing with severe anxiety and I saw…

Eat This One Food Daily To Improve Acne, Anxiety and Allergies

Back in the day, I had the worst acne along with anxiety so severe I thought I’d go nuts. Let me tell you what’s not fun: having a face full of painful, deep, cystic acne. Along with a constant feeling of dread and terror. I tried everything for both, topical creams, prescriptions, expensive “cures” and even Accutane for my acne, meditating and Xanax and Klonopin for my anxiety. Nothing worked for either of them. Luckily, I’ve never had allergies but it’s likely that I would have developed them had I not drastically changed my diet. By now you might be wondering what these three things have in common. What can you do to improve all three of these issues? Start eating fermented food. Stop eating unhealthy, inflammatory foods that are damaging to the gut. Growing up, I subsisted on a diet of white bread, white sugar, and margarine. Sugar bread was a…

The Best Essential Oils For Anxiety

I’ve always loved the smell of essential oils but until recently had no idea just how powerful they can be.  The University of Maryland Medical Center does a good job of explaining this, The “smell” receptors in your nose communicate with parts of your brain (the amygdala and hippocampus) that serve as storehouses for emotions and memories. When you breathe in essential oil molecules, some researchers believe they stimulate these parts of your brain and influence physical, emotional, and mental health. How amazing is that? I’ve personally dealt with being anxious since I was a child. I had a bit of a tumultuous childhood and am no stranger to these issues. I’ve dealt with it for over twenty years, but have successfully overcome my anxious tendencies. It was difficult and involved a lot of experimentation, but I’m not healthier and happier than I’ve ever been. Like a lot of anxious people, I…

Why Your Ancestors Didn’t Have Anxiety Or Depression And You Do

A look back at our ancestor’s lifestyle and diets will help you understand why you are suffering from anxiety and depression – and why they didn’t. Like everyone, our ancestors experienced anxiety and likely bouts of depression. The issue is that generalized anxiety disorder as well as well as depression has and continues to rise at an alarming rate. Generally speaking, our ancestors did experience anxiety and depression, but not to the disordered extent that many people do today. What was once necessary and built-in mechanisms to protect us from danger have become a constant for some people. Anxiety disorder wasn’t even diagnosed until 1980, not so long ago in the scope of medical diagnoses. While the root cause of anxiety and depression (which are often both present) is different for everyone, there are several dietary factors that contribute to these mental disorders. Food: Fat, Inflammation, Toxins, Soil Depletion Our…

Got Anxiety? You May Be Deficient In This One Mineral!

  Suffering from symptoms of anxiety? A simple over the counter supplement might be the easiest natural anxiety treatment!  I’ve suffered from anxiety for as long as I can remember. I think it started when I was 3 or 4 so (unfortunately), therefore I am quite experienced in this field. Today, I would like to share some of my acquired knowledge about natural anxiety treatment with you. Many factors can cause anxiety. That includes emotional, genetic, environmental, etc. While prescription drugs are often the first resort, it turns out that a completely safe over-the-counter mineral could actually be the more effective anxiety treatment. There is one calming mineral that some reports say 90% of the population is deficient in – magnesium. Our ancestors had an abundance of magnesium from organ meats, seafood, swimming in the ocean, and rich soil. But it isn’t uncommon to be depleted today. The modern diet is…

Five Natural Remedies For Anxiety and The Dangers of Benzodiazepines

What Are Benzodiazepines? Benzodiazepines are a class of physchoactive drugs that depress the central nervous system. They are often prescribed for anxiety, as they enhance relaxation. You may have heard of Valium, Xanax or Klonopin. These are all benzodiazepines. My Experience With Benzodiazepines My experience with benzodiazepines begins with my mom. She has been taking them in the form of Xanax and Klonopin since before I was born, during pregnancy and to this day she takes them. She is addicted. Joanna gave me my first Xanan when I was three years-old. I was sick and vomiting. My grandmother was taking care of me. She stopped by and decided it was a good idea to give a 3 year-old a dangerous prescription drug as a cure to the flu. Growing up, when I was upset, when I was stressed out, when I would stay up too late because I wasn’t tired,…

How a Daily Journal Practice Changed My Life

Starting a daily journal practice is an easy way to re-wire your brain and change your life. Here’s how a daily journal practice changed my life. Why I Needed a Daily Journal Practice (and why you probably do too) We all grow up with trauma. Some of us worse than others. But we all have it. Everyone has faulty thinking and behavior patterns we’ve picked up along the way. And unless you identify them, it’s hard to know they’re present. For me, I grew up with an absent father, a violent, drug addict mother and in a very unstable, unsafe household. My brain was wired for fear. I am always hypervigilant, ready to fight or flee. As I got older and built a better life for myself, I was having a really hard time breaking the habit of fear and worry. It’s just what I became used to. It’s what…

The Best Gluten-Free Sugar Cookies

These sugar cookies are easy to make and best of all absolutely delicious! You truly would not be able to tell they were gluten-free without being told. They’re seriously the best gluten-free sugar cookies! It was recently Valentine’s Day, and while it would’ve been nice to actually get this recipe out before the holiday, it just wasn’t gonna happen. Mostly because I actually had no intention of making anything sweet for Valentine’s Day, I was just going to do a nice dinner. But at 3pm on the day before V-Day, I realized I didn’t have enough bags of mini VD popcorn to go around for both of my sons’ classes. Not to be confused with venereal disease. Valentine’s Day, people. VD. So I ran to Whole Foods to buy more popcorn and lucky me – they were completely out of the cute little pink holiday bags. Which meant one son…

Why An Abortion Was the Best Healthcare Decision Of My Life

When I was 22, I had an abortion. It was absolutely the right thing to do. And here’s why it was the best healthcare decision of my life. Growing up… I grew up in a broken home with two addicts for parents. My father wasn’t around and my mother was physically, mentally and verbally abusive. She had my older brother when she had just turned 20 and me at 26. I could never for the life of me figure out why she had children. She didn’t like us, she didn’t take care of us, and most of the time I thought she hated us. I always wondered if she simply had us because she didn’t have access to abortion, or if abortion was just too tabboo back then to undergo. She passed away this year from her addiction, and I’ll never know. I just knew that I never wanted to…