This week is when nausea really hit. One night, my husband and I were walking to dinner – it was about a 10-15 minute walk. It took us much longer because I had to stop, pause, bend over and violently dry heave. It was also during this week that my genius of a husband starts asking,
“Why are you so dramatic when you gag?”
As if I’m doing it purposely. As if I have control over my body’s intense bouts of nausea and the fact that it’s so intense that I have to physically bend over, tense my shoulders and loudly gag. I told him I was going to kill him.
Weight Gain
None yet.
Still nervous. Even though the spotting had stopped and I was told it was because of the polyp – I was still just constantly uneasy.
Food + Cravings
The week prior, I made a big batch of enchiladas. I thought they were incredibly disgusting. After that, even thinking about enchiladas made me gag. If I had just had a meal and then thought about those enchiladas – that meal was not stayin’ down.
I thought my nausea was bad before. Little did I know just how bad it would get. But I loved it! I often would be working on my computer, get up to run to the bathroom, realized I wasn’t going to make it, run to the kitchen sink and puke there.
Weight Gain
Still maintaining the same weight.
Happy to be past the seventh week, which is only how far I got in my previous pregnancy. Still nervous, but less so as time goes on.
Food + Cravings
I wanted to eat cured salmon this week from one of my favorite restaurants, Teaism. Not to be confused with smoked salmon. Cured salmon is similar but doesn’t have the smoky flavor, so it’s just very creamy. Scott and I were near a Teaism one night so I got cured salmon, brown rice, seaweed, and cabbage – which probably sounds gross but it comes in this bento box and you assemble it all together and it is SO delicious. So, my cravings were pretty healthy.
Nausea is no joke. It’s not just feeling like I’m going to puke, but actually puking pretty frequently. At one point I thought I might have the flu. We went to a cookout at a friend’s house, then that night I took a bath. I had to jump out of the bath to vom, and unlike my previous pukes – nausea didn’t go away.
You know when you just know you’re going to puke and you’re just waiting for it? It was like that. I tried to sleep but was too nauseous. I got up to puke around 2 am, then was able to sleep (albeit uncomfortably) after that.
Weight Gain
Still the same. I’m by no means not trying to gain weight, but it just hasn’t happened. I’m still eating very well, working out and because of that, I think I just haven’t gained weight yet.
I’m a nervous nelly in general. I’m prone to anxiety and worry. As I get further along, this eases up. But what people don’t tell you about pregnancy is how stressful it is, especially if you’ve miscarried before. You’re just worried. Worried that something is wrong, worried about the baby, worried worried worried. It’s tough.
Food + Cravings
No cravings this week. After I got my cured salmon fix, I didn’t really have any cravings. I also didn’t have many aversions aside from enchiladas. Oh dear Lord I can’t even think about enchiladas.