For today’s Wellness Wednesday I wanted to share the preconception supplements I’m taking. I’m picky about supplements; a lot of them are complete junk. I want to make it clear that it’s not possible to take supplements to rectify a poor diet.

These supplements are meant to be taken in addition to a healthy diet. A healthy diet is the basis of any healthy pregnancy.

In the video, I didn’t include the liver supplement simply because I forgot. I actually only take it if I’m not eating liver regularly (which for the most part, I am, because it’s delicious). You can also check out my pregnancy bundle, which includes these supplements here.

Be sure to watch the video to find more info on my favorite preconception supplements.

Here’s the total list of supplements:

Great Lakes Gelatin – Gelatin boosts gut health. It also promotes strong bones, joints, and cartilage and helps prevents wrinkles, cellulite and stretch marks.

Vitamin Code Prenatal – my favorite prenatal. It contains digestive enzymes and probiotics and folate instead of folic acid. Folic acid absorbs poorly and has even been linked to cancer. When taking any prenatal, it’s important to choose folate over folic acid.

Ancient Minerals Magnesium Lotion – It’s crucial to build up magnesium stores before becoming pregnant. This can reduce morning sickness, leg cramps, and fluid retention while boosting your mood and promoting restful sleep.

Prescript Assist Probiotics – probiotics are great for gut health but have also been linked to behavioral disorders. In her book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Campbell-McBride links autism, ADD and ADHD to a lack of beneficial gut flora not only in the child but also in the mother.

Chlorella – chlorella binds to toxins and flushes them from the body. Particularly, mercury. You’ve likely heard that mercury can cause complications during pregnancy. Chlorella assists in effectively removing mercury and other toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Desiccated Liver – gram for gram, liver is the most nutrient dense food on earth. This delicious food contains vitamins A, E, D, and K as well as iron, calcium, magnesium and so much more. I cannot recommend it enough. When I’m not eating liver regularly, I make sure to take these liver pills. Also, it’s a good option if you can’t stomach the idea of eating liver.

Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil OR Green Pastures Cod Liver Oil – cod liver oil is a nutrient-dense superfood that is crucial during pregnancy. It provides vitamins A and D as well as EPA and DHA – which are crucial for a developing fetus. It’s anti-inflammatory and a great addition to basically any diet.



  1. Hey Dani, how many of the Vitamin Code prenatal supplements do you take every day? How do you take your cod liver oil?

    • dani stout Reply

      I just take the recommended dose of each. I drink the cod liver oil, it’s not bad.

  2. Just wanted to leave you a quick note to say that I have recently found your blog and LOVE IT. Thank you for all this great information!

  3. I clicked on the link for the Vitamin Code prenatal and it says it contains folic acid?

    • dani Reply

      I think that may be a goof, it’s folate. I have the bottle and it says folate on it, and the company has said they use folate.

  4. Love this information, they are all supplements I was looking at when trying to determine what preconception supplements I am going to take. One question I have is, Is there any concern about to much vitamin A between the prenatal, cod liver oil, and liver capsules? Also would you make any changes to this routine once pregnant?

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