Just because something wasn’t eaten in the paleolithic era does not automatically make it unhealthy. Truth be told, a lot of us paleo peeps eat a lot of foods that were not eaten in the paleolithic era, though could have been reasonably obtained in smaller quantities, like almond flour, coconut milk, kelp noodles, etc. Just because it was not eaten during this time period is not a good enough reason to not consume dairy. Here are some common things I hear about dairy:

We are the only animal to consume the milk of another animal.

My response:


We are the only animal to consume milk after infancy.

We are also the only animal to drive and perform surgeries, should we stop doing that as well?

But Isn’t Dairy Hard To Digest?

Pasteurized dairy is indeed harder to digest. The pasteurization process destroys beneficial enzymes, bacteria and lactase. Lactase is the enzyme that is necessary to break down milk sugar. People who are lactose intolerant, have dairy allergies or are just sensitive to dairy, usually are unable to produce this enzyme. This is why people who are lactose intolerant are often able to digest raw dairy, because the lactase has not been destroyed by pasteurization.

Casein is the primary protein in milk and some opponents of dairy claim it’s hard to digest. Mind you, casein is the primary protein in breast milk as well. Casein is only hard to digest if you have gut dysbiosis. Let me reiterate that point: dairy (casein in particular) is not the problem, the problem is your gut. If a person cannot digest casein, that person should heal their gut. The gut can be healed by using the Gut and Psychology Syndrome. You can read about how Cara of Health, Home & Happiness healed her dairy allergy in just six weeks by implementing the GAPS protocol.

There are people who have a genuine lactose intolerance because they have not evolved to do so, their ancestors did not eat dairy. This is particularly common in Asian races, dairy is still not a staple in their diets.

Of course, raw dairy must come from healthy, happy, grass-fed cows. If the cows are unhealthy, the milk will be unhealthy, and it would be dangerous to drink. Raw dairy from grass-fed cows is a perfectly healthy food, full of vitamins, minerals, beneficial enzymes and friendly bacteria.

Why You Should Eat Dairy 

Aside from the fact that cheese is one of the tastiest foods ever, dairy has a lot going for it. Grass-fed, raw, full-fat dairy is generally high in

  • healthy saturated fats
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • vitamins A, E and D
  • vitamin K2 (particularly in gouda)
  • an easily absorbable form of calcium

Dairy has also been proven to reduce allergies and asthma in children as well as provide a healthy dose of probiotics (again, only in raw dairy). From Mark McAfee, owner of CEO of Organic Pastures,

To study this issue further, Organic Pastures contracted with BSK labs in Fresno to perform multiple challenge and recovery tests on our raw milk and raw colostrum. When 7 logs (10 million counts) of pathogens were added to one-milliliter samples of organic raw milk they would not grow. In fact they died off. The salmonella was so badly out-competed that it could not be found less than 24 hours later. The listeria drop was less dramatic and was similiar to the E. Coli O157:H7 samples that were studied, but they also did not grow and declined substantially over time.

The lab concluded: “. . . organic raw milk and colostrum do not appear to support the growth of pathogens. . .”

This begs the bigger question. What is it that causes raw milk to kill pathogens? Just in the last 24 months, the FDA has approved lactoferrin as an approved method of treatment for pathogen reduction in beef slaughter plants. Raw milk naturally has levels of this enzyme-based pathogen killer. Pasteurization inactivates this and other enzymes that kill pathogens. These enzymes include lactoferrin, xanthine oxidase, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and nisin. There are other interrelated enzymes and beneficial bacteria that also act on the pathogens to inhibit their growth. All of these systems are destroyed by pasteurization. It is no wonder that dairy plants that pasteurize must be kept absolutely spotless. There are no remaining safety systems in the processed milk.

Raw dairy from healthy animals is full of beneficial enzymes, bacteria, vitamins and minerals. So go eat some cheese.



The Safety of Raw Milk




  1. Thank you for this! I just love milk and cheese, and it is so nice to see a “See, Dairy is not bad for you!” article.

  2. My Dr wants me to quit dairy because I suffer from migraines. He said its the casein. I just stopped using dairy 4 days ago and I’m miserable. The first two days I was really grouchy and downright angry. It’s starting to subside but I constantly want milk. Any suggestions? I’m at a loss as to what to do next and I HATE the fake milk I’ve been drinking.


    • dani stout Reply

      Hi Tammy,

      If you’re suffering from migraines it could be a lot more than just dairy that’s causing them (and probably is). What is your diet like? I would suggest eliminating dairy for two weeks to see how you feel, then reintroduce it. If you feel fine after eating the dairy, then you most likely have no aversion to dairy. I also don’t suggest drinking fake milk. If you’d like help with nutrition coaching let me know. Take care!

    • Hi Tammy,

      I suffered migraines too. I had to eliminate certain food for 3 months and then slowly reintroduce it to see what was the trigger. Since I cut down my dairy ingestion I am doing very good. In other people wine can be a trigger, chocolate, coffee…you will not know until you try it. It is hard but worth checking if it is related to a food trigger. Good luck!


  3. I grew up on a farm and I never saw any of the animals turn down the milk of another mammal, given the opportunity and availability.

  4. Pingback: The BEST Paleo Pizza Recipe

  5. Hi Dani!
    I have learned to ignore experts that continually base their studies on things, where the manufacturing destroys the Integrity of something, and then they tell us it is bad for us. Instead, they hould inform us about how the manufacturing process destroys the food before they can even study it. I have drank raw milk for two years, and I have been able to fill in the holes in two of my teeth with drinking raw milk. You may ask why I did not get my teeth filled, but it coincided with aperiod of homelessness for me so I couldn’t afford it. Since I was homeless for more than a year, I noticed the holes getting smaller, so I was happy I never had to have them filled. Experts tendto have major holes in what they are taught, so they pass it on to us as the truth.
    Good article Dani!

    • dani stout Reply

      That is awesome Dan! I definitely recommend remineralizing teeth via the food you eat as opposed to running to the dentist. Great job!

  6. While I don’t disagree with the article itself, the answer is definitely no, dairy is not paleo. It’s the exact opposite of paleo. It’s not what our ancestors ate, and a main premise of paleo is that our bodies haven’t adapted to modern foods, which specifically refers to many grains and dairy. The fact that a significant portion of the population has evolved to eat dairy is actually a huge argument against paleo in general, right?

  7. I love my raw goats milk……and having gone paleo just 3 days ago, was having a tough time thinking that the milk was a nono. Thank you for the concise article. I milk 3 does everyday and really enjoy the options that it gives me.

    • dani stout Reply

      I don’t find this article particularly convincing, especially considering Dr. Hyman’s other stances on what constitutes healthy food.

  8. Personally I feel a lot better since cutting back on milk. A small glass of raw milk maybe once or twice a week is my limit now, otherwise I feel off and seem to gain fat more easily. I do fine with full-fat and fermented dairy — butter, cream, yogurt, and kefir.

    “We are also the only animal to drive and perform surgeries, should we stop doing that as well?”

    I know this was rhetorical but in terms of lowering your risk of death, I would say yes we should stop driving as much as possible. Until we reach old age it’s one of the leading causes of death. And it’s a constant low-level stress, too. Walk or bike whenever you can 🙂

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