A few months ago, I had a miscarriage. It was particularly shocking and even a bit debilitating, because even though I now know they’re more common than any of us want to talk about, I had prepared for conception for a year prior to getting pregnant. I took the prenatals, I took the fish oil, I ate a nutrient dense diet. Sometimes, miscarriages just happen. No matter what you do right and no matter how much you’ve prepared your body for pregnancy.
Following the miscarriage, I knew I really wanted to step up my nutrition game. I always eat well, but I wanted to add something into my diet that really increased my daily nutrient intake. This smoothie packs a ton nutrients into one easy drink.
- Maca boosts fertility, balances hormones and strengthens egg health.
- Kefir is rich in beneficial probiotics.
- Egg yolks are high in omega-3s and vitamins A, E, D, K and choline (critical for pregnancy).
- Raspberries are a low sugar fruit that are high in fiber and antioxidants.
- Wheatgrass is high in antioxidants and very cleansing.
- Kale is high in folate and a ton of other vitamins and minerals.
- Bentonite clay binds to toxins as well as harmful bacteria and yeast, flushing them out of the body.
- Collagen is great for the gut, tendons, joints and bones as well as skin, hair and nails.
- This organic greens powder is loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics.

Fertility Smoothie
This fertility smoothie with maca, collagen, spinach, kale, and eggs packs a ton of nutrients into one easy drink. If you're trying to get pregnant, drink this smoothie daily for all the necessary baby nutrients!
- 1 cup organic raspberries
- 1-2 egg yolks from pastured, organic eggs
- 1 handful kale or spinach
- 1 cup raw grass-fed kefir
- 1 scoop wheatgrass
- 1 scoop greens powder
- 1 scoop collagen
- 1 tsp maca
- 1 tsp bentonite clay
optional add ons that I often throw in:
- lemon slices with peel
- carrot
- cucumber
- raw honey if you'd like it sweeter
- Put all ingredients in a blender and mix on high until smooth.
It's perfectly safe to drink this smoothie daily!
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
I heard bovine ovaries are good for helping your body prepare to conceive as most of us modern day women haven’t developed fully. also a magnesium spray is very useful as a lack of magnesium will result in morning sickness.
My baby girl was stillborn on Feb 13, 2016 at 31 weeks. It was discovered after her birth that she had a mild form of Trisomy 18. Even though its still too early for us to be considered safe to start ttc, I’ve decided to use our loss as motivation to be as healthy as possible for when we get the green light to start trying. I know that regardless of how much I prepare, there will be a certain level of anxiety to deal with during the entire pregnancy(up until we lost Arwen, we were having a perfectly normal pregnancy). I feel like I’ll at least have that as reassurance that I’ve done everything in my power to make my body as healthy as possible if/when we are blessed to conceive again.
Thank you for your blog, it’s been a huge help so far!
I can’t imagine how painful that was and I’m so, so sorry. Praying for you to conceive again with a healthy baby. Lots of love!
My naturopath said that multivitamins or prenatals that are from food sources my be more likel to incite allergies. He said that they are very similar to the other synthetically made vitamins. Do you know if this is true? I always try to source food sources, but what if allergies cause more problems than just using synthetically created vitamins with methylated folate. Thanks for any feedback. I know you are busy with a lot lately and I’ve been praying for your little sweetie.
Sorry if this is a silly question or if it’s listed somewhere and I just missed it, but how often do you make this smoothie? Is it an every day smoothie? How long and often did you drink it?
I made it a few times a week.