Yup, this month’s giveaway is a $400 gift card to Amazon.

If I won, I’d probably get this to make my house smell awesome. Or these because they’re really pretty and are supposed to bring positive energy into the home. Or this because it’s my favorite cooking oil and a great deal.

And you could buy all of that and then some because it’s a $400 gift card!

Here’s How To Enter

1. Sign up for my newsletter. You have to be signed up for this, you can unsubscribe in the future.


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2. Like Ancestral Nutrition on Facebook, do that here.
3. Leave a comment letting me know what you’d buy if you won!
4. Use this Rafflecopter widget to confirm these entries and unlock more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

5. For more ways to win, check out these other blogs participating in this giveaway:

Momma’s Green Project

Our Small Hours

The Darling Bakers

Thrive Style

Dr. Peggy Malone

Grok Grub

Back At The Ranch

Holistic Health Herbalist

Life Sanity

Cheerfully Imperfect


  1. I’m not sure what I’d buy..too many things I want..Himalayan salt lamp, essential oil diffuser, coconut oil…I’d love to win.

  2. We’re buying a house, so, I’m going to need a lot of stuff. I think that this gift card, at least in part, would go towards a vacuum cleaner.

  3. I would use it to buy another Himalayan Salt lamp, essential oil diffuser and oils, and new pots and pans for our new house

  4. I’m not sure, probably some aromatherapy and essential oils items for starters

  5. yasmin abdumalik Reply

    Probably a food processor to male humus and all sorts of other cool things!

  6. I would buy succulent plants and candles for my apartment and toys/treats for the puppy. 🙂

  7. If I won, I’d buy protein powder and a trap bar! Gotta keep getting stronger! 😉

  8. Kimberly Patterson Reply

    I would buy a water purification system and some cleaning supplies.

  9. It would go into the “I need a vehicle desperately!!” fund. I live in the boonies and have to ride 45 minutes on the bus to get to civilization. Too much pain for my lumbar.

  10. Awesome giveaway! I wanted to let you know that Back At The Ranch and another site did not pull up when I tried to subscribe to them. I got that 505 Internal Error thingy. But i claimed the points anyway cause it wasn’t my fault. Thank You.

  11. Patricia Dugan Reply

    I would definitely buy the latest Kindle Fire. I have a Kindle that Mom got me for my birthday in 2010. After my illness and divorce, I had no way (or place) to move my library. I’ve since been able to replace nearly everything I gave away and have added to it substantially. A Kindle Fire would be fantastic during those long monthly visits to the clinic.

  12. I’d buy things that would go toward bettering my health that for now are too expensive to buy unfortunately. So that would be fantastic.

  13. I honestly don’t know what I would get! Amazon has everything! Probably a few books, maybe a few gifts to put away for others.

  14. Thank you for tis giveaway! I would buy a new juicer, because my current one doesn’t work very well.

  15. Thank you fr the giveaway. I would buy some art supplies or put toward a new laptop.

  16. If I won, I’d probably get textbooks, clothes and videogames, or maybe a new laptop!

  17. Jenn S (FotoJennic) Reply

    I would use it for new items for my new bathroom. I’d like to get an etagere and a new medicine cabinet.

  18. I would probably buy pet supplies that I’m unable to get locally.

  19. I would buy a laptop or a tablet bec I need it. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  20. Tiffani Diveley Reply

    I would buy essential oils, a salt lamp, and anything else I may need.

  21. I’d buy canning supplies! We are growing an organic garden this year!! 🙂

  22. Trevor Fullbright Reply

    Cooking stuff! And tools for the new Soft tissue therapy clinic I’m starting.

  23. I would buy some essential oils and ingredients to make my own cleaners and shampoo!

  24. Michelle Spayde Reply


    I’ve tried numerous times to subscribe to your blog via email, but I don’t know whether or not it went through. Would you please subscribe me?

    Thank you so much!

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