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Mini Meatloaf With Liver

“THE LOAF, MA!” Is what Scott kept screaming around the apartment last night as I was making this. That man doesn’t even eat meat (which is a story for another time, and sort of the bane of my existence). Lately I’ve been on a huge bison kick. I have had absolutely no desire for beef. I take this to mean my body intuitively knows I need something from bison so it’s turned off my taste for beef for the time being. And I trust my body’s intuition, so I made some bison meatloaf. To up the nutritional value, I added beef liver. And it was freaking awesome. Mini Meatloaf with Liver An easy meatloaf recipe that is packed with nutrients from liver and organic ground meat. 1/2 ground beef or bison1 egg1/2 cup beef or chicken liver1 egg3 tablespoons coconut flour1/2 onion1/4 green pepper1 cup spaghetti sauce3 tablespoons ketchup…

Liver, Lime and Cilantro Chicken

I can’t emphasize how amazing liver is. Gram for gram it is the most nutritious food. It is a multivitamin, really.   Traditional cultures around the world consider liver a sacred food due to its high nutrient density. It’s high in vita A, E, D and K, B12, B6, zinc, folate, choline and iron.   This is why it’s so great for pregnant women and young children. Unfortunately, a lot of people dislike the taste of liver. I am really into pate, but I understand that most people are a little grossed out by eating liver. So what I like to do is mix it into things. I’ll blend up a pound of chicken livers from the farm and freeze a little bit in individual packages. I then add it to whatever I’m cooking for dinner, soup, stir fry, chili, anything really. It disguises the taste wonderfully. I did this with…

Seafood Stew Over Cauliflower Rice

This nutritious seafood stew features chicken, shrimp and salmon! Serve it over rice or cauliflower rice! It tastes like a fancy restaurant dish but is so easy to make at home! Seafood Stew Over Cauliflower Rice This nutritious seafood stew features chicken, shrimp and salmon! Serve it over rice or cauliflower rice! It tastes like a fancy restaurant dish but is so easy to make at home! 1 head of cauliflowertwo large tomatoes1 clove garlic12 shrimps1 salmon fillet1/4 – 1/2 chicken2 cups of bone broth (I used chicken bones)2 strips of pastured bacon5 tablespoons of buttertwo small potatoes (I used one red, one sweet)several dashes of red pepper flakesseveral dashes of hot saucedash of celery seedsalt & pepper Rice the cauliflower in a food processor and add to a pan with two tablespoons of butter. Cover until it is soft.Chop the chicken and salmon into bite-sized pieces.Chop the tomatoes and potatoes and…

Spaghetti Squash Carbonara with Mushrooms

Trying to maintain a mostly grain-free diet is occasionally difficult for Scott, because that man loves pasta. His favorite meal is spaghetti. He says he could eat it for the rest of his life, and I believe him. So in an attempt to not feed him empty carbs that will upset his or my own digestion, I use spaghetti squash. Sketti squash is cool because it contains manganese, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, among other vitamins and minerals. Get it, squash! Spaghetti Squash Carbonara Spaghetti squash is cool because it contains manganese, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, among other vitamins and minerals. Get it, squash! one large spaghetti squashtwo egg yolks5 baby bella mushroomshalf a large onion3 tablespoons butter1 clove garlic2 strips pastured bacon Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Slice off the top of the squash, and slice it down the middle. Lay it innards down on a baking sheet for about…

Mussels Build Muscles

Shellfish in general and mussels, in particular, are extremely nutrient dense. They have been cultivated for roughly 800 years and have been consumed by humans for over 20,000. Mussels are high in B vitamins, specifically B12, as well as iron, zinc, manganese, selenium and phosphorous. They are high in omegas 3 fatty acids and low in omega 6, ensuring a good ratio against inflammation. They are also an excellent source of protein. Peep this chart from Canadian Cove: *Granted, the nutrient density of pastured beef and poultry are better than the stats above. You get the picture. I’d also like to point out that mussels are extremely cheap. I got an entire lb for $4 from Whole Foods. I like to take them all out and eat this like soup. Mussels in Tomato Basil Sauce An extremely easy mussels recipe that is very cheap to make and super healthy! I like to…

The Best Pork Ribs I’ve Ever Made

I used to not eat pork very often, not because it’s unhealthy or I have any weird hang-ups about eating pork, I just didn’t really know how to cook it. Obviously I could have just cooked it in some BBQ sauce, but I hate BBQ sauce. One time Scott accidentally put BBQ sauce on our French fries at a hockey game instead of ketchup (yeah, I know, fries at a game aren’t healthy, but 80/20) and I almost beat him (is this inappropriate? Scott and I share a really strange/awesome sense of humor). He almost beat himself because he loves ketchup so much. I think he would drink it if he could. It’s really gross. Anyway, a couple of months ago I started ordering pork ribs from my farmer and I discovered that tossing them in the crock pot over night or while I was at work all day with a bunch of random ingredients turned…

Grass-Fed Steak With Bone Marrow

I got my hands on some bone marrow from Whole Foods over the weekend. I remember eating it at restaurants with my dad when I was a kid (probably the most nutritious thing I ate as a kid) and loving it. But prior to last night I haven’t had it in over 15 years, which is pretty regrettable. Bone marrow has long been used in traditional cultures all over the world, and is highly revered for its nutrient density. Each 100 gram portion of it contains roughly 240 IU of vitamin A, 107 mg of phosphorous, trace amounts of minerals like thiamin, niacin and magnesium, as well as 4.5 mg of iron. Bone marrow is also rich in the essential fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA. A new body of research maintains that the fat of bone marrow is alkylglycerols, which is also found in liver, breast milk and…