23 Results



GIVEAWAY! Black & Decker Food Processor

This is the exact food processor I have and I love it. So it’s a perfect prize for a giveaway! Not only does it blend incredibly well, it chops, slices and dices. Do you know how much easier it is now to make sauerkraut? Or salsa? Or shredded carrots? I can now slice an onion without crying hysterically. It’s perfect for a giveaway. This food processor is also durable and has great reviews on Amazon. Need I say more? How To Enter: 1. Click here to check out the food processor. 2. Sign up for my newsletter! I promise not to spam you or sell your email. But you must be subscribed to my newsletter (you can unsubscribe later). If I pick a winner who is not subscribed, that person will not win. You can sign up at the top right of this page or here. 4. Like me on…

How I Learned How To Cook and Eat Healthy

I remember when I first decided I was going to make the change to become healthy and start cooking for myself. Not only did I have no idea how to cook, I didn’t know what to cook. I would go to the grocery store, and I would draw a blank. I would get so overwhelmed. I distinctly remember being at the local Giant by my house, just aimlessly wandering around, completely frustrated. I would walk out with a a bunch of random food and no plan. I could make maybe one or two really basic dinners out of the random food I bought, but the dinner weren’t healthy. I didn’t know about organic food, about the importance of grass-fed meat and wild seafood over farmed. And on a very basic level, I didn’t know about real food. I didn’t know about cooking from scratch using whole ingredients. I didn’t know…

Top 10 Foods for Pregnancy and Fertility

The most important thing a woman can do when she finds out she is pregnant is eat nutrient dense foods. Pregnancy is not an excuse to eat whatever you want, it’s a time to nourish yourself and your baby. Ideally, it’s best to start preparing your body (and your partner’s body!) about 6-12 months prior to conception, but obviously, this is not realistic for everyone. So whether you are planning on getting pregnant or already are, here are my top 10 foods to eat to ensure a healthy mama, healthy baby and healthy birth. To preface the top ten foods for pregnancy, it is important to recognize that these are the exact foods to heal and boost fertility. Women experiencing infertility often turn to doctors, hormonal treatments and IVF, when the first place women and men should start are their diets. Our bodies are designed to reproduce. If they are…