11 Results



Do Plant Based Diets Cause Infertility?

I am not currently trying to get pregnant but it is definitely something that is on my future agenda. Both Scott and I want kids, and when the time comes to have them I plan to prepare with a preconception diet (Scott will do this also, it’s equally as important for dudes). But this got me thinking: the levels of infertility are higher than they’ve ever been. I have two girlfriends (that I know of) that are both infertile, both are young (under 33) and both are vegetarian. While this could just be a coincidence, I don’t think it is. With all the propaganda about plant-based diets, I think most people are just unaware of the shortcomings of this nutrient deficient diet. And it’s blatantly obvious to me that a plant-based diet is not the optimal diet to prepare the body for pregnancy. Cholesterol As I explained in this post, cholesterol is the precursor to the steroid hormones,…