Free Primal Desserts eBook

Primal Desserts


  1. Thank you Dani for the free Primal Desserts book! All the desserts look yummy!
    Blessings to you!

  2. Sandee Givens Reply

    Thank you so much for the book. The desserts look fantastic!

  3. Thanks so much for the Primal Desserts ebook – they look great. I am definitely going to be trying them all!

    • dani stout Reply

      I hope you like them!

      I just recently noticed an error for the cupcake recipes, it’s missing 1/2 cup milk (coconut, cow, etc). So if you make those just be sure to add that. Hope you like them!

  4. sabine richtarsky Reply

    thank you for the e-book, i will try all ,they look so good

  5. Thank you a million for the e-book! Now I can stay within my healthy diet and still enjoy dessert. Pacify my sweet tooth! Thanks again!

  6. Thank you! These desserts look delicious – can’t wait to try some, or all.

  7. Thanks for adding m. This sounds amazingly good and easy. Can’t wait to try it.

  8. Karen Manning Reply

    Thank you so much for the free desserts! I cannot wait to start baking! You are wonderful for giving us this gift! Life is so much better grain free and sweeter now thanks to you!

  9. Thank you for the dessert book! Just found you and love your site and info.

  10. looks fabulous.definitely ill try some of them.
    thank u so much

  11. The link for the free dessert e-book doesn’t seem to be working. Could you send again, please and thank you!

  12. Nada Ginoski Reply

    Just discovered your website! Thanks Dani for your free desert e-book. Will definitely try some of your yummy recipes! ;))

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