When we first started telling people we were expecting, one of the common things we were told was, “I’m not having kids, I want to travel.” As if you could only do one or the other. If people did travel with kids, we were only told horror stories about baby screaming the entire flight, getting breastmilk confiscated by TSA or generally having a really unpleasant and stressful time. Like most complaints, I didn’t really buy it. It can’t be that bad, I thought. And I was right. Don’t be intimidated by traveling with your baby! It definitely requires extra planning, but it’s totally worth it. Scott and I recently traveled to Charleston, South Carolina with our son Everett – who is ten months but was born early, so he’s technically only six months. At the time he was only five months, so definitely a young baby. We were prepared for…
Let’s talk about my miscarriage.
I never in my life thought this would ever happen to me. It wasn’t even something I considered. I never thought that I would sit down to write this, crying, telling you guys that I’ve had a miscarriage. Scott and I decided to start trying in July, after preparing to get pregnant for about a year. We had been eating a preconception diet, taking supplements and eliminating all things toxic from our life. It only took us two months, and we were pregnant after my second cycle. I recently miscarried, just entering my seventh week. We were so excited to be pregnant. I tested after Scott left for work and was elated when the test turned positive. I made him a cake that said “THANKS FOR KNOCKING ME UP!” When he got home and asked if I had tested to see if I was pregnant, I told him I had…
What a Vegan Diet Did To My Husband
A couple years ago, I wrote about how vegetarianism ruined my health. Like the story below, my story was anecdotal. It was my own, and it was the truth. Since then, I’ve received countless comments and emails, insisting I’m lying, I did it wrong, or I have some ulterior motive to just bash plant based diets. I shared my story because I know I’m not alone. I know so many other men and women have dealt with this same thing. I personally know people whose health suffered due to a plant based diet. And one of those people is my husband. A few months ago, he encouraged me to share his story. So I’m finally doing just that. This isn’t a ploy to bash anything, it’s simply me sharing the truth with you all. This way of eating works for some people, and it doesn’t for others. When I met Scott…